Ok, so today was day 3 of Fina, 1cc...
I think. Hmmm I shot my shoulders, I should just move right along down the arms... So On my left Bicep.. I think...hehe, Left first, then RIGHT, that way When I hit arms Wed. They will be fine.
Ok, 23g 1' needle in arm..using the "bended arm" method...
Well it's funny because every time i give myself a shot, I almost ALWAYS start sweating, the anxiousness and such..well anyway I have the needle about 1/2 way in, which is where I want it for this injection..
I'm about to let go of the cannon to aspirate...and i look away for one sec...next thing I know my arms jumping like a mo'fo!
I'm laughing all like...GOD DAMN NERVES!!!! cause evidently I hit one...
Shit is funny...but then i said, ok, i'll hit the quad instead...SAME THING AGAIN, and i say fuck it, i'm not punching another needle in my body, so i get the needle around, aspirate, everything goes smooth..
Then i look down at my quads...and suddenly every vein in my fucking legs are up! Not popping like you would at 4%, but god damn, I had a road map!
You gotta love nerves! hehe..I just wanted to share this and ask..
When I aspirate now, it's not like a normal "bigillion small bubbles" i'm actually getting 1 or 2 larger bubbles..What's up with this?
Since I have to inject ED I figure this will yeild some interesting stories about SMACKIN the nerves and what not, but i wanna make sure these larger bubles are kool...i mean there is no blood so ya know, i figure i'm kool..