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  1. #1
    swell is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    Thumbs down Sust and decca problems, need help.

    I was into my third week of sust and decca, and started developing rashes and tight skin, on bum and arm, skin was hot to touch and felt like sunburn I just wanted to scratch all the time, went to the doctors he said try calomine lotion, so i went into A&E just to be on the safe side, waited 7 hours came out with antibiotics and an elergect reaction to the steroids , doctor didn say what it was I was elergect to, so my question is, am i ok to give something else ago?
    I was taking 1m of each in same barrel everyother day, training 5 days a week,

    What would you recomend I do have a week or two off or shall i just go straight on to test?? Do you think il have a reaction again?


  2. #2
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    You got an infection. Could be that you got some bacteria on the syringe before plunging it into the bottle, contaminating the bottle in the process. You could use the same bottle because you're on antibiotics now.

  3. #3
    swell is offline New Member
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    should'nt be i use antiseptic wipes evertime, needles stay in the packets/caseing until on the srindge even then the plastic covers still covers the pin..

    Im worried now if i keep taking it is it going to get worse or keep coming back, i had tabbs 3 a day for 3 days to clear up this mess, im not talking a small rash here this coverd my ass and down the back/sides of my legs, now its all over my delt bi and shoulder, its like its spreading through ecah muscle, im watchin my legs very closly because its getting near my groin, i drew a line where the rash was last night and it had spread 1/2" over night so its moving pretty fast, il be on the anti's tonight now,

    So should i knock this batch on the head and try my luck with sumin else, iv had both naps and winny in the past bt both tabb form, no problems..

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    u could be allergic to the type of oil used

  5. #5
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    Form what you're describing it sounds a lot worse then what I originally thought. Your post is not well constructed and a little hard to understand.

    If this rash or w/e is spreading really fast then it sounds like something worse then an infection. I had a really bad infection once. First, the pain started locally around the injection site, after a week it spread from the top of my quad to the knee. I couldn't walk. It had all the symptoms of an infection, hot to touch, red, hurt like **** and swollen.

    Took one of the most powerful antibiotics, woke up the next day and felt like a new man. Went away after a few days.

  6. #6
    swell is offline New Member
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    theres not a pain as such, ass is ok now still red and a slight rash going from the top quater of my ass down the rear side of my legs, the pain now in my arm (delt was pinned 2 days ago) is like very very bad sunburn and the skin is very tight, it not just at the sit where i pinned its slowly turned my whole delt and bi area very red/sore and very itchy, there is swelling of the arm to (all bicept area)
    iv started the course of anti biotics now so hopefully the redness/itchyness well subside!

  7. #7
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How well known is your source ?

    Did you swab top of vial ? Bumping needle to any surface can pickup a foreign bacteria or germ etc .

    I suggest stopping cycle .
    Some ugl might use non human grade powder . Sterility of lab can effect product too .

    I would go back to doctor .

    Good luck
    Don't wanna be old

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