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  1. #1
    jakesmith is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Exclamation First Cycle PLEASE give advice!

    I am looking to burn off my excess fat to reveal the muscle underneath which I have worked so hard to get. I have tried all the supplements out there and cant loose the extra layer on my stomach and back. I would like to stack Winny and Clen but honestly have no clue how to. I would really appreciate it if someone would give me some info on how to stack these two. I never have done AS and dont plan on continuing after this I just want to do things right so please give me some input on the best way to stack Winny and Clen together, the more info the better
    Thanks a ton

  2. #2
    LIBeef is offline Junior Member
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    Long Island
    What does your current diet look like? If you are not eating right the drugs aren't gonna help too much. But if you want to use those I would do 6 weeks of winnny @ 50mg/d and do then clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Start taking the clens at 2 a day and go up by one each day until you are getting the shakes and then cut back by 2 and that would be the dose you should do for the clen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Re: First Cycle PLEASE give advice!

    Originally posted by jakesmith
    I am looking to burn off my excess fat to reveal the muscle underneath which I have worked so hard to get. I have tried all the supplements out there and cant loose the extra layer on my stomach and back. I would like to stack Winny and Clen but honestly have no clue how to. I would really appreciate it if someone would give me some info on how to stack these two. I never have done AS and dont plan on continuing after this I just want to do things right so please give me some input on the best way to stack Winny and Clen together, the more info the better
    Thanks a ton
    You may to consider adding a little EQ to the winny and clen. Excellent cycle for muscle hardess, especially for a beginner, and you'll add a few pounds of quality lean mass. Hows this look:

    Wks 1-10 400mg/wk EQ
    Wks 7-12 50mg/ED winny
    Alternate every two wks w/ clen and ECA

    At Wk 13 start your post-cycle clomid at 300mg/1st day; 100mg/ED days 2-10; and 50mg/ED days 11-20. Make sure you take some Milk Thistle at 1000mg/ED for your liver. Train hard, eat clean, and keep up on the cardio and you'll be pleased with your results. Its only the beginning.

  4. #4
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    Dec 2002
    if hes going to be shooting ed anyway, why not just do 8 weeks of fina?

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