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  1. #1
    chrisdc is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    confused on cycle..

    i have done alot of research via doctors and internet but cant get any real advice...this isnt a big deal but dont want to waste time or money


    37 yrs old
    12 bf
    lifting 5-6 days wk for yrs
    clean diet with plenty of cardio..mostly HIIT, BUT run a few miles a wk for heart..
    get bloods checked every 3 months..everything good but total cholesteral biggie

    currenty on

    .15 hcg
    .10 hgh
    .20 somarlin
    50 mg dhea
    and a test cream...all 1x day..all doctor precribed for low everything issues and lyme disease...anyway

    i have 200mg/cc deca 10cc
    and 50 anavar pills 50mg..what should i do?..and what should i expect as result..

  2. #2
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You might try posting this in the TRT/HRT section.

    It depends what your goals are. Most people in this section will tell you that 200mg a week of Deca won't yield much (which in most, it won't). However, I know some guys have had some success with that dose range in the above mentioned forum.

  3. #3
    chrisdc is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    i have run that dose a few times and make decent gains..i like to keep it down and short for liver and bloods...aboyt 6 months back did deca and winny...made good gains but winny killed me.pain and acne...just want to harden up and gain a few lbs for summer..i have stuff sitting around so why not?..everyone needs to remember i am on all the other stuff also so that help keep gains and size..never lost anythng so far...

  4. #4
    chrisdc is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    basically what im asking is should i run var alone or add deca in 200mg every 5 days..or start with deca for 10 wks and start var last 5 wks of deca and run it for 7wks..this way i will be in var for 2 wks after deca last shot...i dont want to hold any water for summer thats why i am asking if i should even use deca at all....i can run var 7wks alone...

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