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  1. #1
    nafelgd is offline New Member
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    Prop, Var and growth cycle help :)

    Hiya guys, done cycles of test enth and test enth with d-bol when I was younger, about 23. Now I'm 28, 5' 9'', 175lb, circa 10% body fat. I'm wanting to get chistled so was looking at running some test prop with anavar and then HGH throughout.
    I'm looking for your advice on this, my first thoughts were 3 months of HGH with the first or last month on VAR and Prop + PCT.
    Looking forward to your advice and input on this cycle.

  2. #2
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    did you take a break from the gym or something, since your last cycle?? or did you not run a PCT?? howcome youre only 175lbs, if you cycled before?? sounds like your diet should be the first thing you work on.

  3. #3
    nafelgd is offline New Member
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    Nope, I ran those two cycles when I was 22-23, I'm now 28. I got upto 205lb back then but I prefer being a little smaller. I did proper PCT after those cycles. I changed my diet and training to lose weight. I'd like to be a solid 185lb or so. People are always very suprised when I tell them my weight, they always think I'm much heavier than I actualy am. I'm not a huge guy by any means but I can bench 300lb for reps, my biceps are 16.25 - 16.5 inch (cold, hot). I've trained since I was 19. Just to give you a little idea of where I'm at. I'm eating 5-6 times a day with around 200g of protein a day.

  4. #4
    thisbmine is offline Banned
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    Sounds like youre hitting your goals in which case *double thumbs up*. Nice to see realism and roids been used hand in hand.

  5. #5
    prodomino is offline Banned
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    200g protine a should be floating from 400 - 600 no

  6. #6
    prodomino is offline Banned
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    anyways im going to be running a simular cycle

    Anadrol 150 mG - day 6 weeks not sure about this though hate orals
    synthroid - T3 not sure yet
    test E 12 weeks @ 900 mg - Week with PCT after
    2 Shoots HGH @ .030iu/kg of bodyweight daily for 6 months
    Lr3igf-1 @ 120mcgs per day
    You should run it with a t4 - t3 & a lgf-1 not sure what your bankroll is like though.
    keep me updated
    p.s what kind of HGH are you getting your hands on

    also going to be a parrot here and repost what some one told me
    get your IGF levels checked, perhaps before use and throughout cycle. This will be able to tell you what HGH is doing for you. While you're there, it might be an idea to get checked for any cancerous cells before using HGH.

  7. #7
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafelgd View Post
    Hiya guys, done cycles of test enth and test enth with d-bol when I was younger, about 23. Now I'm 28, 5' 9'', 175lb, circa 10% body fat. I'm wanting to get chistled so was looking at running some test prop with anavar and then HGH throughout.
    I'm looking for your advice on this, my first thoughts were 3 months of HGH with the first or last month on VAR and Prop + PCT.
    Looking forward to your advice and input on this cycle.
    Don't bother running GH for 3 months. 6 months minimum, and even then...
    (imo, 8 - 12 months is optimal for GH) -- what's the dosage you plan on running this at?

    Regarding the prop and anavar cycle... pretty simple, I'll just give you a little sampler:

    Test-P (weeks 1 - 8) @ 75mg/ed
    Anavar (weeks 1 - 8) @ ~60mg/ed

    That's a decent cycle.

    Hope that helps,


  8. #8
    nafelgd is offline New Member
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    I thought it was better to shoot prop eod? I was going to shoot 150mg eod. As for the var, I was thinking around the 60mg ed dose. I've never done much research into HGH so I was hoping you guys would clue me up and suggest a comfortable dose/protocal?
    Also, how would I run these all together? Would I just start them all at the same time and then go into PCT whilst still running the HGH? For PCT in the past I've simply run clomid and nolva and tappering doses for 4 weeks, would that be ok for my suggested cycle?
    Thanks for your input so far guys, much appreciated.

  9. #9
    lelyano23 is offline Banned
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    in hell
    add some natural weight bro that will be easy if ur diet in check
    from ur states u look like a weak man u need to get up ur frame untill180-200 lbs
    hgh should run for 6 months in menimum at 5 ui

  10. #10
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafelgd View Post
    I thought it was better to shoot prop eod? .

    it doesnt matter what youre taking. the more frequently you can take it, the more stable your blood levels will be. with prop most people go EOD, just so they arent running out of spots to pin. ED and youre a damn pin cushion.

  11. #11
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafelgd View Post
    I thought it was better to shoot prop eod? I was going to shoot 150mg eod. As for the var, I was thinking around the 60mg ed dose. I've never done much research into HGH so I was hoping you guys would clue me up and suggest a comfortable dose/protocal?
    Also, how would I run these all together? Would I just start them all at the same time and then go into PCT whilst still running the HGH? For PCT in the past I've simply run clomid and nolva and tappering doses for 4 weeks, would that be ok for my suggested cycle?
    Thanks for your input so far guys, much appreciated.
    Either protocol (ed/eod) works fine. I prefer ED, but it's your call. I would just say man up and shoot each day.

    HGH = 6 - 12 months @ ~4iu/ed (gotta ramp up.) do research on GH yourself, were not going to spoon feed you bro! lol.

    Your PCT protocol looks fine.

    Best of luck.


  12. #12
    nafelgd is offline New Member
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    There's so much conflicting informatiom on this forum :/ injections aren't a problem to me, I don't care if I have to shoot twice a day or once a week, I just want to do it right. From what I've read off of this forum, you inject according to the drugs half life. With Test Prop The half life is a day, so you shoot the drug every other day to keep your blood levels stable and reduce side effects. Am I right or wrong?! If you shoot prop every day then your test levels will increase like an acceleration curve on a graph because more of the drug is being introduced before the previous shot has had time to half life.
    This is my understanding of shooting seroids from what I learned from reading from this forum many yeras ago. Test Enth and Cyp shoot every 3.5 days to keep blood levels stable. Test Prop shoot every other day to keep blood levels stable and test suspension shoot every day to keep blood levels stable.
    Have I been miss-informed or am I talking sense?

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