So a friend of mine, wanted to do a cycle. i told him to just wait awhile, and get a little more serious in the gym and his diet. so what does he do?? he goes out and asks some other friend of his, who obviously doesnt know sh!t. he sets up my friend with a deca only cycle, and said that the guy is getting him something called "provelin" for his PCT.

he has been on the Deca fir 4 weeks now, so he has already fcuked his system, and shut things down i imagine. so i figure i might as well, get him on some test ASAP. i reamed him out, and told him he probably wont be getting a hard on this summer, unless he did what i told him. so he feels like an idiot now, but he is willing to do what i tell him.

my plan is, get him on this test blend i have. its 150mg enanthate , 150mg cyp, 100mg prop. with a bit of prop, he will be getting some test in his system right away, instead of waiting for the lag time of just test E. run the test for about 8 weeks. get him to drop the Deca all together. and then set him up with a proper PCT of Nolva and clomid.

any other suggestions here??

not that i think it matters much, but his stats are:
cycle experience-0
height-about 6'
weight- no idea, he isnt skinny, but not huge. somewhere around 185 i would guess
BF%- is low. so he is all set in that regard.