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Thread: Is Unleashed...

  1. #1
    tim399 is offline Banned
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    May 2010

    Is Unleashed...

    i have one question about unleashed.. what is it? i have read everything about it and know when to run as pct in a cycle.. it says that it frees up free testosterone ,,,, but it doesnt actually increase total testerone .. right??? so if it binds to SHBG then that makes it an Aromatase inhibitor.. am i right in saying this? thanks!

    my cousin is 17 and wants a boost. would telling him to run HCGenerate and Unleashed be cool? thanks!

  2. #2
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    boca grande, FL
    I took unleashed at the recommended 6 capsules per day (3 w/ breakfast, 3 w/ dinner) along with the same dose of "post cycle" (recommended to buy both on protein factory...) 4th day in it seemed to be toying w/ my emotions (got aggrevated w/ others easily), made it impossible to sleep (that fourth day, i stayed up until 7 in the morning), but it did increase my intensity in the gym (put up 1 1/2 as many reps as usual)... finished off the bottle at 3 capsules in the morning (half-dose) and didn't notice any differenences... definately not a placebo effect while on the normal dose, but the sleeplessness wasn't enough to warrent the small effects. hope this helps

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Sep 2001
    i wouldnt recomend it for a 17 year old. Alot of the otc stuff has worse effects then aas

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