Week 1 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 2 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 3 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 4 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 5 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 6 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg ? - Nolva 20 mg ed - HCG 1000 iu 3x week ?
Week 7 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg ? - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 8 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Dbol 300 mg ? - Nolva 20 mg ed
Week 9 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Nolvadex 20 mg ed
Week 10 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Nolvadex 20 mg ed
Week 11 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Nolvadex 20 mg ed
Week 12 Test 700 mg - Eq 500 mg - Nolvadex 20 mg ed - HCG 1000 iu 3x week ?
Week 13 Test 700 mg - Nolvadex 20 mg ed
Week 14 Test 700 mg - Nolvadex 20 mg ed
Week 15 HCG 1000 iu 3x week - Nolva 20 mg ed - Clomid 50 mg ed ?
Week 16 HCG 1000 iu 3x week - Nolva 20 mg ed - Clomid 50 mg ed ?
Week 17 HCG 1000 iu 3x week - Nolva 20 mg ed - Clomid 50 mg ed ?
Week 18 Nolvadex 20 mg ed - Clomid 50 mg ed ?
Week 19 Nolvadex 20 mg ed - Clomid 50 mg ed ?
Week 20 Nolvadex 20 mg ed - Clomid 50 mg ed ?

Test: 9,800 mg
Eq: 6,000 mg
Dianabol : 1,500-2,400 mg
Nolvadex: 1,960 mg
HCG: 15,000 iu
Clomid: 2,100 mg

Everything in the cycle has a reason, please do not sugest that i should run an anavar cycle instead or something similar. However if you have opinions or sugestions regarding the cycle or pct, length, dosage, combinations, transistions or spesific blood testing I would very much appreciate it.

I've been training for 4 years, both martial arts and bodybuilding which is my main focus as of now. I weigh 200 pounds, I want to maintain my 10,5% bodyfat during the cycle. I have done three cycles in the past with test, tren , dbol, masteron , winstrol and i have only used nolvadex for pct. In my opinion none of my cycles were well planned, and I think i could benefit alot from making a good planned out cycle in advance with a solid pct.

I do not use HGH or IGF or SLIN, if anyone think it would be very beneficial to include any or more of these, please let me know.

Nolvadex during cycle is to prevent gyno, it has proven it's worth for me in the past, therefore I choose to continue taking it.
Test and EQ are kept high because i consider that both perform alot better when they are at this dosage.
I am not certain whether to use the dianabol for 5 or 8 weeks, I might wait and see how things develop during the cycle unless anyone has an opinion concerning this matter. I am not sure about the type of testosterone yet, any sugestions?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,