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  1. #1
    darkspeedy is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    Cycle feedback...

    I'm thinking of hitting this as a cycle, let me know what you think...
    10 weeks
    200 mg Deca per week
    400 mg Test E. per week (ending 2 weeks after Deca)
    45 mg day Dbol weeks 1-4

    Nolvadex on hand, or do you suggest just taking a dose from the get go?

    PCT - Clomid, HCG , and would using a low dose of dbol (10 -20mg per day) in PCT help at all?

    My stats:
    35 years old, 5'7", 175 lbs, been lifting for about 15 years, body fat ranges 10-14 ish...
    I've done single starter cycles before with ok results, first was deca (about 10 years ago) did gain size, but was too puffy, I did it alone though, not with Test (I've learned!). Next was Primo, that was ok, nothing major, some decent and steady gains that I kept, but nothing to write home about. Next was Sust, similar to Deca for my body, in my experience.

    My goals, put on some more decent size, 10-15 lbs (and keep as much as possible). I'm hoping to not get a water retention look here, so will be doing cardio like a nut, and eating clean. I don't need to be completely ripped, but I don't want to look puffy, especially around the waist.
    From what I understand, it's best to do test with deca on a 2:1 ratio, and the test helps with the water retention look. Is that accurate?
    A friend recommended doing Primo at 100 mg per week with this, but I think that's too low a dose to waste time with here.
    Last edited by darkspeedy; 05-09-2010 at 10:09 PM. Reason: forgot one letter

  2. #2
    KZRSOIZE is offline Associate Member
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    im a bit high now, no seriously just dropped an ambien...bare with me...i would kickstart with the dbol 's 1 wk before you start the test and deca . do you really like deca ? I hate that shit, have you ever had deca dick, well if youve had good results with it in the past then go for it...dosages are good, and id run the nolva during from get go. good to see someone has a pct ON HAND !!


  3. #3
    darkspeedy is offline New Member
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    The main reason I'm doing deca is for the joint benefits, that's pretty much why I'm keeping it at the low end there, otherwise I'd probably just skip it. I didn't get deca dick from it when I did it back then (there's a huge sexual difference between 25 and 35 though, LOL) I'd lower the deca dose if recommended, but I think 200 mg a week is pretty low...

    I'm early enough in the game here that I could just go a total Primobolan route, say 500 mg per week for 10 weeks, add in dbol for the first few weeks... But with research, I think the cycle I initially posted will probably give me the results I'm looking for...

    As for diet, I'm pretty clean diet wise on whole think... typical day:
    Breakfast : Oatmeal with protien scoop and a tablespoon of peanut butter, or 2 chicken breasts with soy cheese and salsa.
    snack: Some brown rice with Chicken and Veggies
    lunch: Chicken tenders (baked) or chicken breast on whole grain bread
    snack : Banana and 2 hardboilded eggs
    Post gym: Protien shake within 10 minutes post workout
    Dinner : Tuna, chick, or steak with veggies, or eggs...

    Throw in some more fruit and a glass of almond milk here and there, and you got it.

    For a cycle, I'm assuming pretty much this but more... Any recommendations? Unfortunately no dairy for me... Booo!

  4. #4
    darkspeedy is offline New Member
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    May 2010
    Also, for Testosterone Enanthate , is that injectable once a week or break it up into 2 times per week?

  5. #5
    darkspeedy is offline New Member
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    May 2010

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