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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    First cycle

    Hey guys basically im lookin at doing my first cycle, ive been training for around 2-3 years pretty hard but finding it really difficult to gain mass and im just not happy with my results. Ive done quite a bit of research on different types to try but i cant really seem to find one that suits me perfectly so just thought id ask for sum straight advice.

    So my goal is obviously to gain muscle mass however for my first cycle im not too keen on injectables. I know that there are alot of benefits to them but i think i wanna give orals a go first. Im after something with minimal side affects while still providing solid gains. I realize this rules out some of the stronger types and will inhibit the success i have but i would like to take it slow for my first go.

    Swing me your opinions. thanks

  2. #2
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Age,Bf, Etc?

  3. #3
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Age is 20
    Height 6'0"
    Weight 78kg = 170 pounds
    Bf (not to sure i havnt tested it recently but has always been pretty dam low)

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    If your not keen on injecting then forget aas...

    How about posting your diet bro..

  5. #5
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Diet im intaking 3500 calories roughly per day which i think isnt too bad for my weight. Not the healthiest eater as i dont eat alot of fruit and veg so i take multi vitamins and all that to try compensate. But i would be getting a good 100-150g of protein a day easily.

  6. #6
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmo90 View Post
    Diet im intaking 3500 calories roughly per day which i think isnt too bad for my weight. Not the healthiest eater as i dont eat alot of fruit and veg so i take multi vitamins and all that to try compensate. But i would be getting a good 100-150g of protein a day easily.

    I would recommend 1-1.5g of protein per lb of body weight so at least 170g

    i Would work on the diet, there are many knowledgeable people in the diet section that could help you gain naturally

  7. #7
    willyg091 is offline New Member
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    you should really go with injectables, I hate needles and i still do it just because orals can tear you up pretty bad. Just man up and putta pin in your a** cheek lol

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    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willyg091 View Post
    you should really go with injectables, I hate needles and i still do it just because orals can tear you up pretty bad. Just man up and putta pin in your a** cheek lol
    NO, he should not go with injectables.

    He should not go use any steroids .

    He's 20 years old, and clearly needs to learn how to diet/train naturally.

  9. #9
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    So its pretty pointless using steroids at a young age? its just tough as ive been training so hard for so long and i do actually know what im doing in the gym but the gains are just so slow. very frustrating and i think ill start to lose motivation soon

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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    NO, he should not go with injectables.

    He should not go use any steroids .

    He's 20 years old, and clearly needs to learn how to diet/train naturally.
    help has arrived

  11. #11
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmo90 View Post
    So its pretty pointless using steroids at a young age? its just tough as ive been training so hard for so long and i do actually know what im doing in the gym but the gains are just so slow. very frustrating and i think ill start to lose motivation soon
    Steroids at a young age can cause health problems later on in life. you should theoretically wait until your growth plates have fused and endocrine system has fully matured. Your lack of knowledge with your diet is your problem at the moment which is why you may have hit a wall with regards to gains.

    I would recommend reading the stickies from the diet section and watching these video's

    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

  12. #12
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks alot for your help. i guess as far as diet goes ive been very half ass'ed and im aware that its just as important as ur training. Ive been focusing alot on training perfectly so i think a bit more dedication and focus on diet might be the fix. thanks alot for your help

  13. #13
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    Manicc is will be putting yourself at high risk for health problems if you use steroids at your age.

    But the truth of the matter is, if you can't gain weight naturally, you won't be able to hold on to any gains you make off a cycle.

    At 6'0 you should be able to get to at least 200lbs naturally.

    I'm not saying you don't know you're way around a gym. I'm sure you do.

    But when I was 20yrs old I thought I knew everything as well.

    Trust me, there's a TON of info on here that will help you reach your goals...naturally.

  14. #14
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmo90 View Post
    Ok thanks alot for your help. i guess as far as diet goes ive been very half ass'ed and im aware that its just as important as ur training. Ive been focusing alot on training perfectly so i think a bit more dedication and focus on diet might be the fix. thanks alot for your help
    Imo More important than training

    Your welcome. Its good to see a new member taking advice for a change

  15. #15
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Are u focusing on your meat and potato lifts?
    Millitary press
    Or are you doing cutting edge isolation p90x type workouts?

    When I started deadlifting and squating, Heavily anf frequently, I gained about 30lbs in a few months.

  16. #16
    Timmo90 is offline New Member
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    Yeah about 6 months ago i had been doing alot of isolation exercises but ive done alot of learning since then and have started doing alot of workouts consisting of basically purely compound lifts and ive had enormous strength gains, ive found my body shape and muscle shape have greatly improved and i have had gains they just arnt really all that fast but after watching those videos on nutrition i think i know exactly wat my problem is. ive been eating probably about a quarter of the protein i should be. i think as far as my workouts go i've got it pretty right now. and im frequently changing my exercises aswell. I just have to work out this diet.

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