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  1. #1
    hotcorner3 is offline New Member
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    NEED help with shoulder

    hey everyone... new member and first time post...

    Well I have had a few shoulder surgerys and have never gotten it back to where it was. Well I'm looking for some advice on which anabolic would be good for me to get or what steps to take with them to get my shoulder pain free.

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    You don't mention specifically what it is but I'll assume its rotator cuff. I had a rotator cuff tear many years ago. Never had surgery. To this day it is a major factor in my lifting. It effects chest and shoulder days primarily. Some exercises I am lucky enough it doesn't play a major part in. Others like incline bench press I will possibly never reach my real potential on because of it.

    I have two strategies I use.

    1. Stretch the shoulder muscles before use (and sometimes between sets even)

    2. Strengthen the shoulder muscles through exercises.

    First put your ego aside if you are serious about coming back from this. I have seen too many people look at stretching and band exercises as a "girl's exercise" before lifting.

    The stretches I give you are typical of every day of my lifting career. Strict form on every exercise. My form is impeccable in general because I did suffer a major injury.

    Every 2 or 3 days I do all these things plus I do 3 sets of the band exercises with medium/low resistance (3 sets of 20 reps). On normal days I just do one set of each thing. At the bottom you'll see a broomstick exercise. I just started this today and have high hopes that it will continue my journey towards the best possible shoulders I can have.


    Rotator Cuff Stretch: I do the first stretch in this video. I hold for 60 seconds. I try to do these everytime I lift even if the movement doesn't involve the shoulder.

    Squat Stretches for Shoulders: He does about 3 different stretches in this video. I do all three carefully holding 60 seconds each. I ALWAYS do these on squat day, but I try to do them every time I lift as well.

    Rotator Cuff Band Exercises: (I normally do 3 sets of 20 medium resistance)

    In the video, exercises 1 and 2 I do almost every day of my life. Exercise 3 I have started doing recently. The others I never do but probably will try soon.

    Arm Circles Forward / Arm Circles Backwards

    Broomstick overheads, 50 reps (just started doing these today.
    HOW TO CURE SHOULDER PROBLEMS (Trust me this will do it 90% of the time)

    Author claims its a miracle exercise / notation from someone else at the bottom that it should be done every day except shoulder day)

    Happy lifting

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