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Thread: lowering body fat with winny......

  1. #1

    Smile lowering body fat with winny......

    Well i just got on a diet that my personal trainer put me on. I've been working out for about three years and have gained size but my body fat is high. I am 5'8 205 28% body fat.The diet my trainner put me on will bring me down about 3 pounds a week with about 5 days of cardio and 4 of weight training. I have a large amont of quality muscle but have most of my bf on my lower stomach. I was woundering if winny ed or eod along with cardio 5 times a week could speed up the process.....Thanks and all oppinions are helpful.

  2. #2
    winny will not aid in fat loss but will help you keep some muscle...winny is not a fat burner.

  3. #3
    Thanks Jenseno9, my friend currently is taking winny and has had very few gains in the three weeks he has been taking it. He takes it eod but would taking it ed help with the results....What is a more effective AS for a person in my position that is tring to lean with the proper diet and workout while also would like to use a smaller amount of sauce to give me a bump.

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    Winny should def give you a nice addition if your workout, diet and cardio are in check. But then again if you are going at them all 100% you should gain-loss fat anyway...

  5. #5
    Winny would work good for you. I would do 50mg/ed. 3lbs a week is alot considering your not gonna be using any aas. The chances of you loosing a bunch of muscle mass is great. I would deff. throw in the winny, so your body doesnt eat to much muscle. I would also prob use test prop at 100mg/eod. Good luck with the diet, sounds like its gonna be intense, rember that if your loosing more then 1lb a week of mass, then its prob. muscle. You will loose alot at first, cause of the water weight, but once you start loosing, and you keep loosing weight, you are prob. burning up a ton of muscle.

  6. #6
    Thanks Chinups and Trapzilla, well the diet is not to bad it's a little hard because of all the meals a day but it was very well done. My trainer has a great amount of knowledge in this subject and i trust him plus he works at the same gym i do so i know he is going to be all over me with this thing. I just want to loose the fat for my self to feel better but i dont want to loose all the mass eather. I have 16 inch bi's 27 inch quads and 42 inch chest my trainer told me all my stats and he said i had 145 lbs of lean muscle and 60 of fat and water. I think that the test and winny would be a great idea. How long should i run them both for i was thinking about 12 weeks?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    The only AS that burns fat is Fina

    Winny will help in hardening and prevention of muscle loss while dieting. I would use test instead of winny though for that.

  8. #8
    Thanks but like trapzilla said can i use the test and winny both to help not burn up the muscle mass. BUMP for more info.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    TEST and Winny both?! uh-oh,, sounds like the making of a stacked cycle to me!! "can you feel the lure of the dark side... BWAHAHAHAHA!!!"

  10. #10
    Well dark side here we come......j/k no but for real this does seem like a good stack. Would this two go good together even with the five days of cardio a week. If i do stack these two will i see a gain of size due to the test. Or can i lean up will having gains??? More oppinions

  11. #11
    come on bro's help me out......BUMP for some info

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    I would hit a diet like CKD and some cardio before using Winny. Get your bodyfat to around 10% then use the winny. Your results will be better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Try Clen/Eca 2weeks on/off for a while til you're under 20%. You should keep most of your muscle as long as you keep your protein high.

    do you mind sharing what kind of diet your trainer gave you?

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