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  1. #1
    Afalete88 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010

    Newbie: Want to start with Test E

    So I've been reading around this site daily for the past two weeks or so and there is an absolute TON of helpful information that I'd like to thank everyone for posting. However, I'm still not sure I absorbed all the information I need to properly/safely use so I was wondering if I could get little help from the veteran members.

    I'm 22 years old, 6'1'', 203 lbs this morning. I play football at the collegiate level. I know how to weight train properly and have good knowledge of what a proper diet entails. I'm thinking about going on a cycle over the summer(about 10 weeks) and then stopping before season begins. I believe my BF is in the 10%~ +/-2% range and ideally I would like to weigh 200 lbs with 5% body fat by the end of my cycle.

    I read here that a good "newbie" cycle would be Testosterone Enanthate (500mg/week) for 10 weeks followed by Clomid for 3 weeks(have Nolvadex on hand in case of gyno). Would this regiment get me towards my goal of raising muscle/lowering body fat? I do NOT want to get too bulky (I really don't want to get above 215) and I am worried I'll get too big if I do.

    I'm also a little wary of using a needle. Are orals safer than injecting? Is one generally more effective? I think I've read inject is more effective than oral but prone to adverse side effects(confirm/deny?).

    Any comments would be greatly appreciated I really want to do this right the first time. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    the only issue I see is still the age. They say Not to cycle before 24/25 because it can really mess with your natural hormones that are not stable yet. Believe it or not you are still growing and it can lock your growth plates. Im not talking about only taller but wider, natural width.

    Also you are at your natural peak of testosterone production and it will shut that down hard and in many cases it's hard to get it working again properly; that means erectile dysfunction, low libido or none.....

    You can gain a lot of size by altering your diet and work out routing. Try reading up in the diet section even if your diet is good it can still use tweaking Im sure.

    Sorry but it's just the opposite. Orals are a lot harder on your system than injections. More chance of liver and kidney problems and less positive results.

  3. #3
    StangLaw's Avatar
    StangLaw is offline Junior Member
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    Test E is deff safer than oral, however from what you are wanting test e might be to much. Oral must pass through liver so its like drinking a 12 pack a bud heavy every day until your off. If you want to make sure you lose weight, first your diet must be correct. 2nd you might look into clen and t3. If you are wary of the needle, look at anavar . From your post anavar might be what your looking for. For your pct, you should run clom and nolva at the same time. There is also a chart on the pct section to see when to take it depending on which type of aas/ph used.

  4. #4
    Afalete88 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Are Clen /T3 safe to take while working out in very hot weather (with poor ventilation from clothes)?

    Even though I'd rather not use needles if it's the best way to to get results the quickest I'll man up and do it. Any additional comments on if Test E will get me too bulky (per the specifications I posted in the original post)?
    Last edited by Afalete88; 05-10-2010 at 11:51 PM.

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