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  1. #1
    Jimmy70 is offline New Member
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    Is my Step Son Using Them? Help me!

    My 23 year old step son has been pretty snappy lately,pretty aggressive and never has been before.He used to sleep 12 hours a day now he cant sit still and is BORED as he states.He goes to the gym and it has been his main focus to be HUGE lately.Arnold huge at his 5' 8" height at 180 lbs. It's been found he has a pile of syringes with yellow fluid in them hidden in a drawer.
    Before I tear him a new one I want to know what exactly the bad steroids look like,what color? He has no medical issues to be even touching syringes and I can imagine it cant be anything good since hes hiding them. I understand that some people use them,but they arent my family. I dont judge.

    Thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Talk to him, dont judge. See what he know, how knolegable he is. Learn and study with him to see if he is using it safely although he is still to young and it could do more harm than good.

    Please read some of the sticky post at the top to educate yourself before jumping on him.

    They color of the fluid will tell us nothing. Ask him. Hopefully it is ONLY test and not something like Deca or Tren since it's probably his first cycle.

    Make sure even if he stops now he has a PCT in place or her could have serious side effects after stopping like ED.

    BTW it's really a myth, steroids does not make you have an attitude and there is no such thing as Roid rage . It MAY inhance your attitude a little but if someone is being aggressive they already where before but maybe you choose to ignore it. DONT beleive all the media hype either, it's a bunch of BS like most of the media now days.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-10-2010 at 11:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Bloodsaw's Avatar
    Bloodsaw is offline Associate Member
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    First i would educate myself ( if i were you ) about steroids in general, do research for a month or so, and look on these kinds of websites not ANTI steroid sites, then if you still feel the same about steroids approach him and talk to him MAN TO MAN about them.

    Working out + syringes fill with yellow juice? I'd bet the house hes using, or plans on using, but you wont really be able to determine whats in those syringes most steroids are associated with a yellow tint, either way there arent really so called good or " bad " steroids like u state, steroids are steroids are steroids, all day.

  4. #4
    gearusingcitizen is offline New Member
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    You need to look at why hes using them. Maybe he is overly self concious like i was when i used them. Then tearing him a new one is not going to do any good at all and will make cofidence even worse! If its the reason maybe you should try and be understanding and supportive and talk it out. Id be more inclined to listen to someone if they sat down and took they time to see where i was coming from. Put yourself in his shoes. Also most people i know dont leave steroids in syringes we leave them in vials and only draw them out before injecting. most liekly is steroids tho or someone has jibbed him and told him they are steroids... but ask him why hes using them just liek you dont judge others dont judge him. Chances are theres somethin else going on his life that is causing this so ask like you care because im sure you do!

  5. #5
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Not sleeping kind of sounds like tren . Tren is a very harsh compound, and unfortunately people who aren't educated on the subject matter see it as the fastest way to get what they want, as opposed to something milder like testosterone . Also unfortunate is the fact that he is storing a substance in syringes. It's not too comforing as that's not the ideal way to store steroids .

    Talk with him and see whats going on, explain that the biggest part of being a man is honesty. Also understand that if he is indeed on steroids, he cannot just stop cold turkey. There is a process to coming off of a cycle, it is what we refer to as PCT (post cycle therapy ), the idea is to use certain drugs to bring your blood levels back to normal so your body can operate within it's normal capacity and recover from the increased doses it has been subjected to.

    If he is using, it might not be a bad idea to direct him to this site. There is a lot of good information here and a lot of good people willing to help. I just hope he is receptive enough to learn a thing or two.

    Good luck, and good move coming onto a site like this.

  6. #6
    Jimmy70 is offline New Member
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    Im his step mom guys, just so were straight. Im here to find out because I do not want to be intrusive on a bad level. Im not very educated on it. I'd rather know than go into a place I have no clue about. Generally what we hear on tv is bad news on the subject. I'm in the gym myself so I understand the want to be in the best shape possible and even better. He doesnt have any money to get it, concern is, what it is and who would give it up like that? Unless they are digging for customers. This is my biggest worry.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It's funny how kids with no money can come up with money when they want something bad enough... dont forget when you where a kid, we where creative if we wanted something.

    As suggested, please read the sticky post at the top of this forum. You will learn a lot. Read about first cycles and all that. It doesnt take long.

    After talking to him educate him and yourself in the diet section and see what great changes you can make with diet alone.

    Learn the pro and cons. Mostly cons at his age of doing cycle.

    Yes hopefully it's not Tren . Anything except Test/Testosterone he is in great risk of having ED due to it all shuts off your natural testosterone production and if you dont supplement it with Test then you end up not having any natural test in your system and no libido. Im sure at his age he does NOT want ED.

  8. #8
    Jimmy70 is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys,I'll read up on it. Appreciate all of your help.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    how about he is 23 and an adult and you dont approch him at all. also how did you find these syringes?

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    how about he is 23 and an adult and you dont approch him at all. also how did you find these syringes?
    She is a mom/step mom. They are nosey. They search kids bedrooms, look in the drawrs, under the mattress, under the bed etc. He needs to find a better hiding place.

    That's why I liked our old house when I was a kid. I found a false ceiling in the top of my closet I hid all my playboy/penthouse/hustlers in when I was 14. hehehehe

    Now that I am grown up I have a LARGE safe.

    One time just to freak out my mom when I was 18 I put a playboy UNDER my dresser with a note on the top saying I knew you where snooping in my room. My sister backed my story and embarrassed my mom.

    It's a parents prerogative to search, it's our house. Yes kids deserve a certain amount of privacy BUT if you suspect anything it's best to know.

    If you have a 4.0 student that never misses any school, does not really have a BF/GF, healthy active social life and decent friends; STAY THE HELL OUT OF THEIR ROOM. If your kid is a rebel, rocker, Emo or something in between and their friends are questionable then yes it's best to know what they are doing and what is in your house.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-11-2010 at 12:48 AM.

  11. #11
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    lovbyts, amen bro.

    Jimmy70, the first thing I learned from this forum was safety. The people who contribute regularly on this site is all about safety. It's almost impossible to be responsible or be safe without knowledge. If your son is doing AAS you might encourage him to join this site so he can learn. The more he knows the more he's going to respect the powerful substances that he's dealing with.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 05-11-2010 at 04:22 AM.

  12. #12
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Im with lovbyts on this one.

    Try to build your knowledge of the subject before you approach him, The media for some reason likes to use steroids for a scape goat, yet they make all these claims about steroids yet they dont back it up with evidence.

    I would follow lovbyts advice and also i would definatly watch bigger stronger faster its a documentary on steroids and performance enhancers

  13. #13
    thisbmine is offline Banned
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    Well firstly, congratulations for coming to this website to seek advice. That is clearly the first step that you care.

    Im not a parent. But you say your son is already aggressive. So if you approach him directly, flush his syringes, etc he may turn violent. Not to mention there are definite health risks at his age if he does not include a PCT.

    Personally (and this is after giving it 5 minutes of thought) Id immediately read go to AR-R and order some Clemidia and Nolvadex (just to have on hand). Then while you wait for them to arrive read this site. Educate yourself. Read the PCT threads (Nolva and Clem will become clear here)

    Then, and I know this is lame, but perhaps put some wrestling on.. and comment on the guys muscles and mention immediately that they must have had a great PCT, in order to maintain their muscle. You learned this on the internet. Something that at least doesnt sound negative.

    He may too use the internet to research PCT. Put Clem + Nolva in his bathroom in 2-3 wks. This way youre being supportive and at the end of the day if he is doing steriods he will do more damage by not doing a PCT than 1 course of steroids .

    Confronting him in any other way will result in him firstly probably not getting a proper PCT (read about it, its NOT good). Since he's using, chances are he's not going to stop.

    I hope this helps. Sorry for the long rant guys

  14. #14
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Im courious to know how many of the people responding to this thread are really parents?

    Have you confronted him about your noticed aggression in him? If so what was his response? I hate to tell you if you confront him just on the basis you entered his room and were nosey any trust he has in you as a friend and parent will be gone... thats your choice but make sure you are prepared to deal with the consiquences that come with it.
    You must of had some kind of thought that he was up to something or you wouldnt have been in his room snooping I guess now your kinda damned if you do and damned if dont.
    I wish you luck which ever way you go...I think I would educate yourself as others suggest then approach it much better prepared yourself


  15. #15
    plugthug's Avatar
    plugthug is offline New Member
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    Some good advice here. Some.
    order some Clemidia and Nolvadex
    . Don't order clemedia or clamidia or any of that stuff, I hear thats a nasty STD. What he is referring to is clomid and don't order it unless you know what he's doing. All this stuff ain't cheap.

    True he is an adult. He can do what he wants but if you don't want it in your house he should respect that. Second I understand the difficulties of being a step parent and expressing concern not accusation. Your concerns should be:
    1) He is, in the majority opinion, a few years too young to cycle. I believe someone should reach their max genetic potential before plateau breaking with steroids .
    2) My exp. is very few people considering usage gain any knowledge before starting and that is where they have problems. Different chemicals = varying side effects.
    3) If he is getting them from friends he may know nothing of the compounds (what they are, legitimacy) especially if he is just getting filled syringes.
    4) Outward side effects vary; sleeplessness, mood swings, aggression are more likely stress or anxiety related. The media gives the public these "potentially deadly side effects" LOL (sarcasm) because if properly used there is relatively no danger in them, but they believe they must demonify steroids to keep athletes on a level playing field. Why else would steroids be understood and accepted in pro BB but not in football or baseball, or olympics

    Bigger, Faster, Stronger is an entertaining documentary that gives the lay person a somewhat objevtive look into steroids. It's worth a look.

  16. #16
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisbmine View Post

    Well firstly, congratulations for coming to this website to seek advice. That is clearly the first step that you care.

    Im not a parent. But you say your son is already aggressive. So if you approach him directly, flush his syringes, etc he may turn violent. Not to mention there are definite health risks at his age if he does not include a PCT.

    Personally (and this is after giving it 5 minutes of thought) Id immediately read go to AR-R and order some Clemidia and Nolvadex (just to have on hand). Then while you wait for them to arrive read this site. Educate yourself. Read the PCT threads (Nolva and Clem will become clear here)

    Then, and I know this is lame, but perhaps put some wrestling on.. and comment on the guys muscles and mention immediately that they must have had a great PCT, in order to maintain their muscle. You learned this on the internet. Something that at least doesnt sound negative.

    He may too use the internet to research PCT. Put Clem + Nolva in his bathroom in 2-3 wks. This way youre being supportive and at the end of the day if he is doing steriods he will do more damage by not doing a PCT than 1 course of steroids .

    Confronting him in any other way will result in him firstly probably not getting a proper PCT (read about it, its NOT good). Since he's using, chances are he's not going to stop.

    I hope this helps. Sorry for the long rant guys
    All the love in this thread.. oh you big strong lugs.

  17. #17
    thisbmine is offline Banned
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    Man, that was some typo. Get your kid Clemida.. Sorry plugthug. Was on way out but wanted to thank her for posting her and throw in my 2 cents. Cheers for clearing that up.

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