Hi guys,
I want to jump on the anabolic train but after much research, one answer alludes me...
I'm currently taking Diane 35 to keep my cystic acne under control. This is an anti-androgen that not only works as acne medication but also works as a form of birth control.
I'm not sure if I should discontinue Diane 35 before going on my first cycle. Using anti-androgens while taking androgens clearly doesn't make sense.
But if I do go off my acne medication, and take androgens, will my acne spiral out of control??
Also, do I need to wait until my body finds it's normal hormonal balance before starting a cycle, after discontinuing my acne meds..
*SIGH*... So many questions revolve around this issue!
Are there any women out there that have been in my situation that can spare some advice?