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  1. #1
    onefm's Avatar
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    How much Test does the body make naturally?

    Can't seem to find anything comparable to AS dosing. All I've found is that a healthy male has levels of 446 to 786 ng/dL. Not sure what that means exactly. Is that how much someone makes in a day, and how does that compare to mgs?

  2. #2
    BiggerByTheDay is offline Junior Member
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    I gathered this information not too long ago for a previous thread. I also have the original sources somewhere on my home computer if you would like to see the references. But here is what I have found out about natural test amounts.

    Testicular testosterone production averages approximately 7 mg per day whereas this rate is directly affected by the circulation of the luteinizing hormone, the number of testicular LH receptors, and the availability of the synthesis substrate. The typical male testosterone level is between 250ng/dl to 850 ng/dl. Testosterone is normally measured in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL.) 1 milligram = 1,000,000 nanograms whereas 1 liter = 10 deciliter. There are 5 liters of blood in the average adult male body. This means that the average male "total testosterone" output into the bloodstream is: 7,000,000ng / 50 dL = 140,000 ng / dL total testerone per day. Therefore, using an often accepted 800ng/dL "reference" measurement for "optimal" testosterone, it could be proven that the assay is revealing 1/175th of the total daily testosterone output. Further, this means that in the theoretical model of the optimal male described above, the total point-in-time reading of 800mg/dL of testosterone is completely metabolized by the body 175 times per day.

    800ng/dL in a 5L volume of blood is equivalent to:

    800 ng / 1 dL = 40,000 ng / 50 dL = .04 mg / 5L = 0.04mg total testosterone in the bloodstream.

    0.04mg * 175 cycles = 7mg total testosterone produced by the testicles per day.

  3. #3
    Td00 is offline Junior Member
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    So if i'm 22 and do 250mg Test Enan per week i'll still have MUCH more test in my body than if i wasn't on gear? 250mg of Test/week sounds like a good 1st cycle if you're really scared of the side effects then????
    Last edited by Td00; 05-12-2010 at 11:33 AM.

  4. #4
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Td00 View Post
    So if i'm 22 and do 250mg Test Enan per week i'll still have MUCH more test in my body than if i wasn't on gear. 250mg of Test/week sounds like a good 1st cycle if you're really scared of the side effects then!
    NOPE it isnt ....thats a TRT dose. whats a use of giving body the same amount of test that it makes anyway and shutdown its natural production and fvck up ur HPTA?
    Please investigate more before giving advise.

  5. #5
    Td00 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    NOPE it isnt ....thats a TRT dose. whats a use of giving body the same amount of test that it makes anyway and shutdown its natural production and fvck up ur HPTA?
    Please investigate more before giving advise.
    Oh no, i didn't give advice at all, it was more like a question, i didn't mean to make it sound like advice, so i'll edit my post so nobody takes it as advice.

    So 250mg of test a week would shut you down, and make you have the same test in your body as if you weren't on gear?

    What's the minimum dose of test a week (for 10 weeks) necessary to gain atleast 12lb of sustainable and lean mass if you're 22? I really care about the side effects but i'm not scared of needles so i just want to take as little as possible but gain at least 12lbs. would 400mg/week do the job?
    Last edited by Td00; 05-12-2010 at 11:38 AM.

  6. #6
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Td00 View Post
    Oh no, i didn't give advice at all, it was more like a question, i didn't mean to make it sound like advice, so i'll edit my post so nobody takes it as advice.

    So 250mg of test a week would shut you down, and make you have the same test in your body as if you weren't on gear?

    What's the minimum dose of test a week (for 10 weeks) necessary to gain atleast 12lb of sustainable and lean mass if you're 22? I really care about the side effects but i'm not scared of needles so i just want to take as little as possible but gain at least 12lbs. would 400mg/week do the job?
    if u r 22 dont bother yet cause ur system produce enough testostrone that u can gain muscles without AAS. I give u personal example I was 19 never used aas and I could manage to have 42 inhes chest with 15.5 inches bi-ceps only with a workout my diet was shitty as I didnt know abt this forum back then so basically when I was 19 just by exercising guess what i could have achieved if I knew about diet?? till u r 24-25 forget about AAS thats what we are trying to tell everyone and ppl call us anti steroid ....nope we are not just that there is a time and reason for everything and for guys ur age not a right time nor a good reason. Most of u kids do that to look good and get laid stop by in lounge section we can give u tips with the ladies too...
    make sense?

  7. #7
    calgarian's Avatar
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    so for the question BJJ , marcus big and other guys can tell you the blood test and its values. For what doctor told me it suppose to be b/w 8-24 or 28 I think he was talking about free count testosterone but this is not my area of expertise so above mention guys or some other member should be able to help you in this regard.

  8. #8
    FunkLord is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    NOPE it isnt ....thats a TRT dose. whats a use of giving body the same amount of test that it makes anyway and shutdown its natural production and fvck up ur HPTA?
    Please investigate more before giving advise.
    250mg is the very high end of TRT. Even once you take out the weight of the ester, it's still 2-3x as much test as your body makes naturally. For most people, it would put their test levels well into the supra-physiological range.

  9. #9
    big_ron's Avatar
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    if your going to shut down your body for 10weeks on 250mg, may aswell do 500mg and get more results when your shut down if you know what i mean?

    but sounds like you need to do alot more research before you jump in the deep end

  10. #10
    big_ron's Avatar
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    and the body doesnt produce enought test!! haha

  11. #11
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    250mg is definitely too high for TRT. I'm taking 200mg/week of Test E and my Test levels are 1300ng/dL. Highest TRT dose should be around 150mg/week. On TRT most docs like to keep you under 1000ng/dL closer to around 800ng/dl.

  12. #12
    FunkLord is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    if your going to shut down your body for 10weeks on 250mg, may aswell do 500mg and get more results when your shut down if you know what i mean?
    How much you use depends on each person's specific goals.

    Of course, you will make more gains on 500 vs 250, however the side effects of test aren't limited to just shutting down your htpa.

    Again, everyone responds differently, but 500mg would have a higher propensity to cause gyno, acne, sore joints, bloating, etc. Some of that can be reduced by adding things like arimidex or accutane, but those come with their own set of side effects, too.

    Somebody who has hit their natural limit and just wants to keep gaining past that at a steady rate would likely do fine on 250mg a week.

    Someone whose goal is to gain as much muscle as they can as quickly as they can would do better on 500mg.

    It's up to the individual to decide how much they want to use. "Since you're already shut down, you may as well use more" isn't advice that would benefit everyone.

  13. #13
    big_ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunkLord View Post
    How much you use depends on each person's specific goals.

    Of course, you will make more gains on 500 vs 250, however the side effects of test aren't limited to just shutting down your htpa.

    Again, everyone responds differently, but 500mg would have a higher propensity to cause gyno, acne, sore joints, bloating, etc. Some of that can be reduced by adding things like arimidex or accutane, but those come with their own set of side effects, too.

    Somebody who has hit their natural limit and just wants to keep gaining past that at a steady rate would likely do fine on 250mg a week.

    Someone whose goal is to gain as much muscle as they can as quickly as they can would do better on 500mg.

    It's up to the individual to decide how much they want to use. "Since you're already shut down, you may as well use more" isn't advice that would benefit everyone.
    Thanks thats what i was going to say next :P

  14. #14
    onefm's Avatar
    onefm is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the info!

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