Hi, i have cycled a few times before but right now i am 6'2, 180 and i plan on doing a cycle for bulking, the cycle i have chose is...
Deca 8-10weeks 400mg
Test(enantat) 8-10 weeks 500mg
D-bol first 5 weeks 30-50mg a day
then clomid at the end of the cycle.
I thought i might do injections of 200 deca and 250 test on sundays and wednesdays and i wanted to see if that was a good idea, or just to do it all on sundays or once a week. also after i got my gains i wanted to do a cutting cycle, like winstrol and something else, but i wanted opinions on if i should do a second cycle or just extend my cycle longer and add in the winstrol or whatever?????