I have heard many different responses to this... running 100mg Test PROP and 50mg Tren A for 6 weeks EOD with some clen mixed in the middle to the end... really necessary to run a pct?
I have heard many different responses to this... running 100mg Test PROP and 50mg Tren A for 6 weeks EOD with some clen mixed in the middle to the end... really necessary to run a pct?
for starters, anyone who told you that pct isn't necessary after running test and tren should be ignored from now on.
to answer your question, of course it's necessary.
thats what i thought but they kept telling me that it would naturally kick back in as long as i continued to work out, this is my first cycle
That's exactly why I never tried steroids before. You'd always hear about these guys getting huge and buff and as soon as they stopped taking them, they'd lose it all plus some. I thought that was just how it worked. Apparently, so did they.
tren on your first cycle?
Listen to the people with experience on this board. They've been at this lot longer then me and they all recommend PCT.
well its really finabol which i was told was tren... and its been perfectly fine.. to be honest i really havent felt very much of any side effects or changes. maybe my dosage wasnt big enough.... also i started clen a few days ago and i havent really noticed anything with that until i bumped it up to 120mcg and then i just felt slightly jittery but no shaking or ne thing.
Let me guess your age....19?
OP, it is really necessary to run a pct. there, now you have it.
Man all you vets must be really sick of hearing these questions. I am new to the form and doing gear in general, but after spending several weeks reading the form...it is very clear you need PCT. Not sure what the problem is....it is so easy to get the supplies run a proper PCT LEGALLY through a bunch of different places on the internet. The stuff will be in your mailbox in a couple days. If you are shelling out the money to buy the juice....then just suck it up to buy the PCT supplies and just do it!
Taking steroids and not doing PCT is a lot like eating raw chicken.
You'll get away with it for while . . .maybe even a long time . . .but if you keep it up then you're gonna have problems.
PCT is about RISK MINIMALISATION. When you shut down your HPTA, there's always the chance that it might not start up again. Doing PCT makes it far more likely that your HPTA will come alive again, and it makes it come alive a lot quicker.
If you don't do PCT, then you're increasing the risk of:
a) Your HPTA not coming back alive
b) Losing more muscle because your Testosterone stays low for a longer period of time
PCT is necessary.....end of story!
Next question.
God did you even read any posts in this forum before posting this? injecting steriods or taking oral steriods can and will shut off your body's own production of test you need PCT to regain your own natural test levels and if you dont run a PCT your seriously risking messing yourself up. re-search these forums further my friend you have much to learn
This is how Steriods get a bad rep. People doing them and not doing PCT and then they get bad sides. Then they tell their friends....those friends tell others etc etc. Also back in the day (like when Arnold was training) they didn't have PCT (correct me if I am wrong)....so I am sure alot of the horror stories you hear from "old timers" would have been avoided if they had access to the PCT we all have available to us today.
Nah PCT is a joke. Dont do it. Is that what you want to hear ??
without pct you will still keep some gains but prolly not as much as if you did run pct and your natty test might take a while to recover and u will feel tired all the time so do u want that bro just do pct its cheap and it works
okay so its not really nessecary . got it. lol
Nolvadex at 20mg a day for 2 weeks?
Check out the PCT threads.
jbh: prob best to post your age / stats / bf / goals etc first
But for your first cycle you will only need
weeks 1-12 Test E (500mg week)
weeks 14 start you Nolva & clomid for PCT (you start PCT 2 weeks after as the test is still active in your system to this point)
note: clomid I personally wont use clomid due to prior eye issue but thats my choice and will use something else
Maybe have an AI on hand 0.25 per day but only if you start bloating / and or gyno issues
Stick to the one compound, you will get all the results you need from this. But first post all your details up so we can help you more.
i ran a 12 week cycle last time out and it consisted of Test E 500ml pw and Dbol 30ml daily i started my pct week 14 and ran 50ml clomid daily for week 14 and then reduced to 25ml for week 15.
i have kept most my gains and tbh i think if i hadn't ran a PCT i might have lost alot due to my own test levels being affected so greatly by a 12 week cycle. PCT is a must in any cycle in my eyes. also i had no issues with the clomid affecting my eyesight and will use it again next time out
pct is a definite must, and i like using both clomid and nolva
clomid 70/35/35/35
nolva 40/20/20/20
I agree, PCT is a must. but I have a questions..How did the old school guys, back in the 60's 70's and 80's keep all that beefcake with no PCT?
I heard alot of them just stayed on year round.....hence all the horror stories you hear about still today
Mine was:
Clomid: 100/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/20/20/20
pct is a definite must
clomid 70/35/35/35
nolva 40/20/20/20
should you do the pct early in the cycle to prevent or toward the end to reverse gyno??
what this guy said is exactly right. you can get away with it. it depends mainly on what roids you have taken and for how long. tren will suppress you really bad but the cycle is short. so (i know everyones going to flame me for this but whatever) for your first cycle and only 6 weeks id bet you get away with it.
ive done more cycles than i can count without pct and never really had a problem keeping gains but the crash can really suck sometimes.
i don't think running tren first cycle is a problem. it's not that big of deal- peopl;e on this forum make such a big deal out of tren being a drug for expert bodybuilders. I just got finished running tren ace first cycle and got good results. I only had one vial so it was short cycle.. but I'm still overall pleased
As to the OP.. yes, right when I take the Clomid I notice I feel better. I'm doing a Clomid/Tamox PCT and would recommend it for your cycle.
Take Clomid morning and before bed and Tamox before bed.
The reason behind running only one compound first cycle is to see how your body reacts to each compund differently. If you start to experience bad sides how are you going to know how to treat them? Cuase u have no way of knowing that if its prolactin sides or estro sides.i don't think running tren first cycle is a problem. it's not that big of deal- peopl;e on this forum make such a big deal out of tren being a drug for expert bodybuilders
True. But people seem to think that you HAVE to run Test with Tren, and I disagree. You can run a low dose Tren only cycle and see how it goes. That's what I did and it worked pretty well. The more compounds you use the more sides you have to deal with. Lots of people get sides from Test in and of itself.
soo much false information in this thread...
Let me make it simple, if you're a beginner always take the advice of a moderator of vet on this board (you can tell by the colored names they have), over anyone else. 99.999999999% of the time they are right, and the other guy advocating something ridiculous is wrong.
Tren without test? lol
Cycle without PCT, double lol
No it won't.. you're perpetuating silly wives tales talked about on the internet.
I just did a low dose tren cycle and it worked great. As long as you pin 3x/week it's not a problem IMO... I've already done the reading.. Test does nothing in the event of the so called "permanent shutdown."
You really need to stop posting and spend more time reading.
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