I am trying to understand Nolva and its use on cycle in relation to acne.

Arimidex will lower the estrogen blood levels and thus lessen the change of acne, right?

But Nolva may actually increase the estrogen levels, so if one would take something like 5-10 mg. daily during a cycle to prevent gyno, would he be increasing the change of getting bad acne?

What are your experiences on the matter, have you had worse acne or worse/better PCTs after cycles when you have used Nolva trought out?

I am planning my 3rd cycle, test prop, starting at 50 mg. ed, I am going for something like 8 weeks depending on results and have plenty of Nolva and Clomid and some Arimidex on hand as well as HCG if needed.

I may add some Winstrol in the end depending on how I feel and look towards the end.

I got tingling nips during my last cycle of sust and dbol that went away after I dropped the dbol but I want do this right and understand what can happen if I feel the need to use Nolva during the cycle.

