I would like to know if Propionate is any different in blood hemoglobin than enthanate?
My thinking is, propionate is a quicker and shorter ester than enthanate does this have any effect on increasing hemoglobin levels?
I would like to know if Propionate is any different in blood hemoglobin than enthanate?
My thinking is, propionate is a quicker and shorter ester than enthanate does this have any effect on increasing hemoglobin levels?
The prop would start working faster and maybe increase hemoglobin a little faster since the level of test would be high initial but not by much and the end result would be the same.
Why do you ask?
Because I am currently off t-therepy because my hemoglobin levels went to 18.7%. I wanted on next cycle to use prop and wanted to know if it would effect me in the same way enthenate did. But after giving it some thought I think your right; not only will test levels increase faster, if I am going to keep stable blood levels regardles of it being weekly doses or daily doses this will still increase my hemoglobin level in the end. I am told to give blood. May have to do that but I am at Doctors orders at the moment. I am just chillin' trying to do some research on the side. Definately sucks though be off therepy I feel like Shit, no energy at all.
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