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  1. #1
    WoD is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Tren ace and Test Prop! Neeed input on cycle, diet, anti e, pct everything! :)

    Hello guys, I finally decided that I'm going to take the risk and go Test Prop and Tren ace instead of Winny. Cycle looks like this.

    100mg Test Prop EOD 1-10
    50mg Tren Ace EOD 1-10 (First time tren user)

    age: 24
    height: 6'0
    weight: 195
    BF - 9% (I was at 15% at the end of D-BOL/Test E at 225 lbs)

    Okay. While I took Test E and D-Bol in my previous cycle I experienced A LOT of bloat. I took Adex EOD at 0.25. What should my adex dosage look like during this cycle?

    I also wanted to know is it possible to mix Test prop with Tren ace? I've never done this, if so how would I go about doing this? Its gonna come up to only 150mgs mixed, so I'm sure the glutes and quads can def handle it.

    PCT I plan on running standard Nolva and Clomid, is this fine?

    Diet looks like this:

    Meal 1: 50g Mixed whey protein, 50g oats, 500ml skim milk
    Meal 2: 2 Chicken breasts, 2 potatoes with green beans
    Meal 3: 2 Cans of Tuna with 3 pieces of toast and light mayo with lettuce
    Meal 4: 50g Isolate whey mixed with water, 25g oats and 40g waxy maize (post work out)
    Meal 5: Extra lean ground beef with rice, 1 cup of V8
    Meal 6: 1 Scoop casien protein with skim milk with 4 egg whites

    I also take. 3 Flaxeed oils, 3 multis, 4L of water everyday.

  2. #2
    thisbmine is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    eat more food.
    Less whey isolate. I swear those guys must have a killer ad campaign currently running.

  3. #3
    WoD is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by thisbmine View Post
    eat more food.
    Less whey isolate. I swear those guys must have a killer ad campaign currently running.
    Haha okay, I'll try . Anything about how I should go about mixing the two compounds? and what dosage of anti e's i should b using :/?

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