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Thread: Low Dose for Younger Age?

  1. #1

    Low Dose for Younger Age?

    So I know I'll get flamed for this but I just want some advice.

    First off I'm 19, I've been training since I was 14 mostly doing martial arts and weight lifting on the side.

    For awhile now I've been only lifting weights and bulking up. I'm confident my diet and workouts are pretty solid and that I have a good foundation from my background.

    I wanted to do a cycle of Test E at 250mg for 12 weeks just to see how my body reacts to the testosterone and to sort of "kick start" additional muscle growth. I don't plan on doing a full cycle until I'm 21 or so but I was wondering if using a lower dose like this it would be worth it?

    Right now I'm 5'8 and at about 160lbs up from 135lbs since February.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I see where you are coming from however from what ive read here doing 250mg p/w wouldnt be a MAJOR increase from your natural test levels. And youd more than likely be screwing up your future natural production of test. Along with many other aspects.

    You seem to be making pretty awesome gains from training hard. Sorry I zoned out there. Just kept rereading that sentence and trying to work out why youd want gear? Your natural testosterone is pumping HARD!

    Man, Id so hook these kids up with a couple of vials of test and amps of sust... in exchange for their natural test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    I'll explain a little bit here brother.

    Being 19, you have plenty of natural testosterone to produce significant muscle gains/fat loss. Introducing an outside source, even at a low dose of 250mg, will shut your natural test down thus potentially causing your endocrine system to suffer some serious damage as it may not be fully developed due to your age. So to answer your question, no matter the dosage, you DO NOT need to use gear at all as you can create some serious problems due to the lack of full endocrine system development and various other potential complications. When it comes to shutting natural test levels down, any dosage will do just that.

    Secondly, you have been training for 5 years now and you only weigh 160??? And 25 pounds of that were gained since February??? I can GUARANTEE that your diet is not "Pretty Solid" and your workout routine isn't as well. Hit up the diet section and check out the videos in the stickies, they will change your life and leave you saying "WTF have I been doing with this shitty diet I have been on".

    There are some very helpful people on this forum and we all have your best interest at heart. A proper diet is key brother. Once you TRULY correct it, you will be astonished by the transformation that you can achieve naturally. Good luck, eat right, gain weight, and don't get discouraged.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Bottom line: YOU ARE GAINING. AAS Will NOT help you. It WILL, shut down your natural production of testosterone which you may not be able to get back.
    It WILL cause you some damage later on in life. What? Spin the wheel and take a chance!

    If you want to get bigger try hiring a personal trainer with the money you planned on spending on gear. And buy some more food. At this age youre robbing yourself if youre doing AAS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Bottom line: YOU ARE GAINING. AAS Will NOT help you. It WILL, shut down your natural production of testosterone which you may not be able to get back.
    It WILL cause you some damage later on in life. What? Spin the wheel and take a chance!

    If you want to get bigger try hiring a personal trainer with the money you planned on spending on gear. And buy some more food. At this age youre robbing yourself if youre doing AAS.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Goode2go you are doing great doing what you have been doing. When I was your age I weighed about 125 lbs. I'm now 28 and 190 , 15% bodyfat. Not where I need to be yet but a significant build up from then. I would be much bigger if my diet had not been crap. Today I cooked a bag of frozen chicken breasts, 3 boxes of brown rice, a bag of frozen peas, threw it all together at the end and mixed it up then split it into tupperware. If you start working on stuff like this you will see huge gains I promise. Do not get sucked into thinking some whey protein is the same as a chicken breast and some rice or yam its absolutely not. If you start eating 6 times a day clean meals you are gonna be huge quick without the risks associated with aas at such a young age. The diet thing can always use work. My next move is to buy a scale so I can make my meals as exact as possible.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the advice guys.

    And ya I used to fight at 135lbs and under so I never was able to see how big I could get.

    My diet and workouts started in Feburary and that's why I gained so much weight, so as of now my diet and routines are pretty solid.

    Also not only for bulking but I thought AAS could help with my power in martial arts. But as of now I think i'll stick with eating.
    Last edited by Goode2Go; 05-17-2010 at 09:25 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Goode2Go View Post
    Thanks for the advice guys.

    And ya I used to fight at 135lbs and under so I never was able to see how big I could get.

    My diet and workouts started in Feburary and that's why I gained so much weight, so as of now my diet and routines are pretty solid.

    Also not only for bulking but I thought AAS could help with my power in martial arts. But as of now I think i'll stick with eating.
    This is true brother, you have been gaining good since February. AAS can cause some nasty long-term side effects when used at a young age. Keep up the eating, still check out the videos though they are killer. Good luck, train hard, eat right, and rest. You will grow like crazy.

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