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Thread: EQ winny dick?

  1. #1

    EQ winny dick?

    i've heard much bout the deca dick problems and i thought it was effecting me last summer after my 13 weeks of deca....but its 6 months later and i have no problem with sex but i suppose it could be a mental bout to take 10 weeks of eq 300mgs ew...weeks 6-12 winny EOD 50-75mgs....and first 3 week or possibly weeks 1-2 4-5 25 mg dbol every day.....after im gunna take clomid the way it should be taken.....would any problems along the line of deca dick be possible or probable....just wanna kno before i dive in....anything i should do to change the cycle....let me kno asap....oh and would a cycle like this prevent any future growth naturally....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Unlikely although I have heard of a couple of people say they have had a problem with EQ but they are few and far between. I don't think any cycle ever prevents future natural growth unless you are talking about growth plates being closed. How old are you?

  3. #3
    im 19...but i had xrays and my growth plates are closed ....just dunno if i need test....people say they need test with deca but im under the impression that eq and winny and the few weeks of dbols will not need test but i may be wrong....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Boca Raton, FL
    First of all man, penis problems (aka Deka Dick) can occur with any steroid. Any drug that manipulates your hormones level, will affect your sex drive in some way. Although EQ and Winny are not considered "strong" steroids, you will experience an elevated sex drive while on it and a lack of when you come off.
    Second, increase your weekly intake of EQ. 300 mg will not do much. Start at 350 mg the 1st week, and gradually work it up to like 450-500 mg/week. 300 mg will be a waste of time and money for u.
    Third, after you come off any cycle, you can still grow naturally,but not right away. When you come off, you will gradually get weaker and weaker. Eventually this weakening of the muscles will plateau off. If you come off right, you should be able to keep at least 75% of your gains. It took me about 6 weeks to plateau off. It gets depressing when one week your putting up 315lbs for 10 reps and then the next week you can only do 6 reps and then 2 weeks later you are down to 3 reps.
    As long as you keep training and eating right, you will grow. It just takes longer. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    EQ at 300mgs is fine for a 19yr old...or anyone!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    also, dont pyramid the dosages. i have to disagree with Douceberg. if anything, frontload it at 600 mg the first week and then run it at 300mg a week for the duration of the cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    agreed with monstercojones....pyramiding is a thing of the past..frontloading is more effective...this i know from experience.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the matrix
    where do these people get these ideas to pyramid? i did a secrch and found some cycle ideas and noticed that ALL the recommended cycle plans were that where these guys are getting it from?

  9. #9
    thanks for the responses...yea i was gunna keep the cycle runnin 3000mg EQ cus thats all i have..i def am runnin from weeks 6-12 winny 50-75mg eod but i have tendonitis in my elbows bad so it makes me nervous but i have lots of glucosamine to help, wanted to keep the winny dose down....i wanted to run three weeks of dbol in the beginnin to help kick start and take some type of antiestrogen with it....i aslo have 5 cc's of prop 100 that i was thinkin bout throwin in there........wha u think bout throwin in dbol in the beginning and where should i throw in 500mgs of prop or shouldnt i.....what u tihnk....oh and im takin 30 50mg pills of clomid a few days after the winny

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