maybe this is a very dumb question but could you draw say 1/10cc of water up in a syringle before drawing the oil so that the water is left in the needle but all oil gets pushed out? and maybe only a tiny bit of water is injected
maybe this is a very dumb question but could you draw say 1/10cc of water up in a syringle before drawing the oil so that the water is left in the needle but all oil gets pushed out? and maybe only a tiny bit of water is injected
what would be the point? you could do the same with air.
because air wouldnt sit behind the oil, i dunno that water would but im assuming it would, correct me if wrong...
if the syringe is upright air would be on top
i understand that, but the syringe is not always held straight up, do u inject your ass while laying on your belly?
Besides i asked the question about water, your reply did not attempt to answer my question at all
just thinking out loud, is drinking water sanitary enough to inject? and if you didn't keep it straight up and down the water woul stay on top as per gravity and not as per the top of the syringe, and the whole time you would be injecting half water and half oil. There water wouldn't stay at the back of the syringe unless you keep it upside down after drawing, goodluck injecting that, I suggest the chin
B-12 is used sometimes but water is free so...
Just so you idiots know
when a vet responds to your question and gives you a better reccomendation, Just take it, don't get all upset and give responses like... Besides i asked the question about water, your reply did not attempt to answer my question at all
Clearly your question is stupid, so SHUT THE F**K UP AND LISTEN
I did not bash or disrespect Big in any way, he simply did not answer my question, both of you just want to get on here and sound like big shots and regulars.
In regards to this beings a stupid question, i said that upfront now didnt i? just needed some closure.
None the less i will not turn this into a pissing contest, im sure you can both piss farther than me...
I've been around this longer than you have been alive, and I told you how people accomplish what you are trying to accomplish. You asked about an improper way of doing something and I told you the proper way of doing it, but like most kids your age you didn't hear exactly what you wanted to hear so you were not satisfied with my response.
seriously he's right its not that big of a deal. a 23g 1.5" pin will retain 0.00303ml of substance... if you're shooting 250mg/ml test for example, you would lose 0.757mg of test.
if that really bothers you, take the vets advice and keep a small air bubble at the top of the syringe. it will have the exact effect you are looking for.
Last edited by AnonEagle; 05-19-2010 at 10:36 PM.
they will at first, when you first draw it in. but if you had passed science class, you would know that water has a higher specific gravity, and it will sit at the bottom. so all you would end up doing, is injecting a bit of water, and then injecting oil. but still leaving a bit of oil left over, that you were worried about in the first place.
so as big said, use a small bubble of air. thats pretty standard injection technique.
how do you figure?
23G needle Inside Diameter: 0.318mm (0.0125 inches)
needle length: 38.1mm (1.5 inches)
V=0.00000000303 cubic meters
V=0.00303 ml
but i'll admit I use the air bubble too, but it's always been pretty much for peace of mind. can't go wrong with it; i heard it's taught to the nursing majors at my school to do it that way
edit: woops i believe i used a slightly different gauge at first, my first post has been edited to avoid confusion. however, the difference was minimal.
Last edited by AnonEagle; 05-19-2010 at 10:35 PM.
you do realize the oil is not only in the needle itself. It sits in the top part also that connects it to the syringe. From personal experience, out of my 10ml vial i usually lose about .5-1ml when i dont use an air bubble. So i assume there is about .05 ml to .1 ml from each ml that i lose in an injection
a question is a more no less, this shouldnt have to go any farther than that, forgive me if i was rude or insulting, was not supposed to come out that way. I already know about using a air bubble and what not and its simply not a great way to do it in all situations, apparently water would we worse than air
Next question is will b-12 or complex behind a load of oil mix or move from the back on the syringle in any way?
regardless of the amount left in the needle, the answer remains the same. the amount of air necessary to cause an air embolism would be drastically more than the typical syringe would even hold. the amount of tap water needed to cause serious complications could be very little. the proper answer remains the same.
i see your point there... lapse of judgment on my part. makes me kinda curious actually to test it and see what it ends up.
@noles - i have noticed that as well, as i'm sure everyone has that has used vials. i've always chocked it up to impreciseness in drawing exactly X ml and the thin layer left stuck to the walls of the vial and at the bottom that you can't draw up.
Just did a test, and i can conclude that the remainder in my Terumo needle was <0.1ml. I filled the syringe with water, ejected all of it i could, and then used an airbubble and then used a scale to measure everything i could get out. It registered as less than 0.1g, which means that there must have been less than 0.1ml of water on the scale (based on the density of tap water ~1.0 g/ml).
Conclusion: Big is right, just use the damn air bubble if bothers you!
or the alternate method, get way more gear than you need and stop sweating the small stuff
if a little bit gets left behind in the syringe its not going to change your results. but if you have to get every last drop i guess just make sure its clean water you put in there.
it would help, but again depending on the contrasting weights of the oil it's a gamble as to whether they would mix, or which one would rise to the top respectively.
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