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Thread: First cycle Anavar !!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    its possible for var to shut you down just like test will mate.
    I would personally go wiv test for 12 weeks myself, but thats because var is so damn expensive !
    also, an oral cycle wont yeild the results test would...imo
    Appreciate it man.. But i am saving that test cycle for my winter.. ( with var lol)
    i read that Var will not shut you down.. it will supress that natty test but not completely shutdown.. May be i am wrong..

  2. #42
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    Mar 2009
    just to get an idea to you guys.. Pic in my avatar is me.. You see i am not a huge guy off course.. 5'4'' and only 164 lbs..

  3. #43
    Hey transformer.
    I've had a Anavar only cycle experience before.
    I used 60mg for the first week and then bumped it to 70mg for the rest of the cycle.
    I ran it for 8 weeks along side with a light dose of test booster.
    After that I did the usual pct etc.
    I went from 73kg to 85kg and that is with a very clean diet and strict eating.
    People say you wont gain much from Var but personally if you train hard, eat well and sleep well the Var will do what its suppose to do.
    I will dig up pictures later

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saru_Ninja View Post
    Hey transformer.
    I've had a Anavar only cycle experience before.
    I used 60mg for the first week and then bumped it to 70mg for the rest of the cycle.
    I ran it for 8 weeks along side with a light dose of test booster.
    After that I did the usual pct etc.
    I went from 73kg to 85kg and that is with a very clean diet and strict eating.
    People say you wont gain much from Var but personally if you train hard, eat well and sleep well the Var will do what its suppose to do.
    I will dig up pictures later
    Hey thats a great news for me.. Did you retain all those 12 kgs.. If 10 kgs retained of those 12kgs...then still its a huge gain and retain man.. what bf% changes you got? you know what i started to like that Var monster..

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    Hey thats a great news for me.. Did you retain all those 12 kgs.. If 10 kgs retained of those 12kgs...then still its a huge gain and retain man.. what bf% changes you got? you know what i started to like that Var monster..
    Like they say, the lean gains you make from lean juices such as var, winny etc are usually there to stay if you maintain and keep training properly. Currently I'm about 83kg. I've also been practising cutting weight for MMA fight weigh ins so that might have had an effect on the loss of a bit of muscle.
    I don't actually know my body fat but I can definitely tell you that I lost a lot of fat and muscle seperation and hardness improved alot. You will also enjoy the great strength increase with var as I experienced.
    Var monster is amazing man
    By the way it says your a junior member right? How old are you? I'm a junior member too
    Here is a before and after. I'll let you judge on the bf changes.

    Before 73kg
    After 85kg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	107448   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	107449  
    Last edited by Saru_Ninja; 05-24-2010 at 09:20 AM.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Saru_Ninja View Post
    Like they say, the lean gains you make from lean juices such as var, winny etc are usually there to stay if you maintain and keep training properly. Currently I'm about 83kg. I've also been practising cutting weight for MMA fight weigh ins so that might have had an effect on the loss of a bit of muscle.
    I don't actually know my body fat but I can definitely tell you that I lost a lot of fat and muscle seperation and hardness improved alot. You will also enjoy the great strength increase with var as I experienced.
    Var monster is amazing man
    By the way it says your a junior member right? How old are you? I'm a junior member too
    Here is a before and after. I'll let you judge on the bf changes.

    Before 73kg
    After 85kg
    You look awesome Bro.... I think before you were may be 10/11% and after may be 8/9%.. But you look great bro.. BTW i am 26.. Is your diet was very strict due to weight class restriction? bcoz i am not in any sport.. Can i follow bulking diet? i dont care if bf% remains the same but i want some muscle size which can be keepable..

    Thanx man..

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    my diet is spot on... I want to increase my strength and gain some 9-10 lbs..
    and by the way my PCT in mind is..

    Clomid 50/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Is it ok??
    You probably saw that PCT in one of my posts about VAR only... I do however agree with boyd what he says about it being overkill... I did it because I am over-cautious. You can start with that as PCT but if you are feeling the clomid is hard on your body as many do, drop it and just run the nolva as stated, it will be fine

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    personally i think the pct is overkill...although you will be shut down on var i feel that you will recover well with just the nolva run the way the op was thinking....that being said you can run both nolva/clomid if you like.....just my 2 cents, good luck.....
    As stated above he is 100% correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    Anyone?? I think Var have some advantage over the Tbol.. may be i think this because of higher price of Var.. May be i am wrong..
    I am trying Tbol for the first time coming up this summer and I am running it with Test Prop. I feel the Var gave me good results but not for what I have to pay.


    All in all I support you 100% on trying a VAR only cycle as a first cycle even though a lot of VETs will disagree. After much research however I agree running VAR alone is not the best way but it is a good introduction to the world of AAS. I have ran 2 VAR only cycles and had no problems.

    You mentioned in your post that your Avatar is you. You have some nice size and I think to Maximize your results on this cycle you should run it at 80mg/ed for 8 weeks. If you get the results you are hoping for then for your next cycle stack var with test. If you feel you did not achieve the results you were looking for, then when you do your second cycle with test sub out the VAR for Tbol and I am sure you will be much happier with the results for the price.

    Good luck on the cycle and don't forget to split the dose 40/40 throughout the day or even split it 30/30/20 throughout the day.


  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    You look awesome Bro.... I think before you were may be 10/11% and after may be 8/9%.. But you look great bro.. BTW i am 26.. Is your diet was very strict due to weight class restriction? bcoz i am not in any sport.. Can i follow bulking diet? i dont care if bf% remains the same but i want some muscle size which can be keepable..

    Thanx man..
    Thanks man, means a lot
    Ah your older than me then. Believe it or not if you read my thread in the new members forum I am indeed 19 years old.
    My diet depends if it is before or after weigh in. Before weigh in I normally have to cut 8kg or more to make it into the lower weight class so I have the better advantage against smaller guys its what they do in the pro levels. So before I will be cutting a lot of water etc so strict diet limited carbs and protein. Pretty much cheat eat for 24 hours.
    Believe it or not I actually bulked with anavar because I wanted to pack on some lean muscle. If you bulk with var you will stay lean anyways because of the lipolytic affect it has because of the androgens.
    Gains are very keepable if you are a hard worker on AND off of the juice.

    One little thing, yeah var does supress you but it doesnt shut you down so I decided to not do an aggressive pct and decided to use test boosters. I used gaspari novadex XT and bsn axis ht. Yeah some of you might be thinking wtf test boosters are bullshit. But at the end of the day I have kept what i gained and you can see it. Sex drive is fine same as usual. So yeah thats some of my input on the var. Hope it helps bro

  9. #49
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    You probably saw that PCT in one of my posts about VAR only... I do however agree with boyd what he says about it being overkill... I did it because I am over-cautious. You can start with that as PCT but if you are feeling the clomid is hard on your body as many do, drop it and just run the nolva as stated, it will be fine

    As stated above he is 100% correct.

    I am trying Tbol for the first time coming up this summer and I am running it with Test Prop. I feel the Var gave me good results but not for what I have to pay.


    All in all I support you 100% on trying a VAR only cycle as a first cycle even though a lot of VETs will disagree. After much research however I agree running VAR alone is not the best way but it is a good introduction to the world of AAS. I have ran 2 VAR only cycles and had no problems.

    You mentioned in your post that your Avatar is you. You have some nice size and I think to Maximize your results on this cycle you should run it at 80mg/ed for 8 weeks. If you get the results you are hoping for then for your next cycle stack var with test. If you feel you did not achieve the results you were looking for, then when you do your second cycle with test sub out the VAR for Tbol and I am sure you will be much happier with the results for the price.

    Good luck on the cycle and don't forget to split the dose 40/40 throughout the day or even split it 30/30/20 throughout the day.


    Thanks bro.. You just said what i have in mind for my second cycle.. As i planned to do 50mgs for 8 weeks.. and you said it should be 80 mgs for 8 weeks.. Is 80 mgs will too harsh on liver?? Just asking because Its my first

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Saru_Ninja View Post
    Thanks man, means a lot
    Ah your older than me then. Believe it or not if you read my thread in the new members forum I am indeed 19 years old.
    My diet depends if it is before or after weigh in. Before weigh in I normally have to cut 8kg or more to make it into the lower weight class so I have the better advantage against smaller guys its what they do in the pro levels. So before I will be cutting a lot of water etc so strict diet limited carbs and protein. Pretty much cheat eat for 24 hours.
    Believe it or not I actually bulked with anavar because I wanted to pack on some lean muscle. If you bulk with var you will stay lean anyways because of the lipolytic affect it has because of the androgens.
    Gains are very keepable if you are a hard worker on AND off of the juice.

    One little thing, yeah var does supress you but it doesnt shut you down so I decided to not do an aggressive pct and decided to use test boosters. I used gaspari novadex XT and bsn axis ht. Yeah some of you might be thinking wtf test boosters are bullshit. But at the end of the day I have kept what i gained and you can see it. Sex drive is fine same as usual. So yeah thats some of my input on the var. Hope it helps bro

    Thanks man.. Appreciate it. I will keep training hard through the cycle and also off cycle.. i will keep postings as cycle starts.. Thanks bro..

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    Thanks bro.. You just said what i have in mind for my second cycle.. As i planned to do 50mgs for 8 weeks.. and you said it should be 80 mgs for 8 weeks.. Is 80 mgs will too harsh on liver?? Just asking because Its my first
    When I was runnin 100mg/ed I got blood tests while on cycle and at the end. I had a slight spike in one category for liver (I don't know which one) but the others were fine. I went for an Ultra sound on my liver and everything came back no issues. Just run some milk thistle while taking the var, you'll be alright, oh and NO Alcohol!

  12. #52
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    When I was runnin 100mg/ed I got blood tests while on cycle and at the end. I had a slight spike in one category for liver (I don't know which one) but the others were fine. I went for an Ultra sound on my liver and everything came back no issues. Just run some milk thistle while taking the var, you'll be alright, oh and NO Alcohol!
    Some guys says tribulus should be run when you are running anavar.. What should i run? milk thistle alone will be fine or should i run some tribulus with it?
    And i dont drink or smoke either..

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    Some guys says tribulus should be run when you are running anavar.. What should i run? milk thistle alone will be fine or should i run some tribulus with it?
    And i dont drink or smoke either..
    Personally I do not know much about Tribulus but from what I do know is it is a waste. It has never proven to increase test levels in a human study but only in animal studies.

    Stick to your normal PCT and a liver pill of some sort. I prefer milk thistle even though there is suggested evidence that it may hinder your gains but only at a level that is really unnoticeable. If you are concerned about this you may sub it out for another recommended liver protection.

    I also recommend you have you blood levels checked before you start a cycle, make sure you are healthy. Also get them checked after you have completed your PCT make sure you recovered properly. You can also have your blood checked while on cycle if you want to be safe. If you feel your body reacting funny in anyway do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

    Good Luck and keeps us all posted on your success!

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Personally I do not know much about Tribulus but from what I do know is it is a waste. It has never proven to increase test levels in a human study but only in animal studies.

    Stick to your normal PCT and a liver pill of some sort. I prefer milk thistle even though there is suggested evidence that it may hinder your gains but only at a level that is really unnoticeable. If you are concerned about this you may sub it out for another recommended liver protection.

    I also recommend you have you blood levels checked before you start a cycle, make sure you are healthy. Also get them checked after you have completed your PCT make sure you recovered properly. You can also have your blood checked while on cycle if you want to be safe. If you feel your body reacting funny in anyway do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

    Good Luck and keeps us all posted on your success!

    Yeah sure... I am thinking about taking Liv 52.. hope it will help..Will keep you updated...Thanx man..

  15. #55
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    Mar 2009


    What would happen if I stay on bulking diet... Is var going to help me to have a nice muscle mass which can be keepable?

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by transformer15 View Post
    What would happen if I stay on bulking diet... Is var going to help me to have a nice muscle mass which can be keepable?
    One of the above posters seemed to have done just that and with success. I am also curious see some response to this question.

    Edit - Wow sorry did not meen to bump an old thread. Getting sleepy apparently, thought this thread was 2 days old.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Saru_Ninja View Post
    Thanks man, means a lot
    Ah your older than me then. Believe it or not if you read my thread in the new members forum I am indeed 19 years old.
    My diet depends if it is before or after weigh in. Before weigh in I normally have to cut 8kg or more to make it into the lower weight class so I have the better advantage against smaller guys its what they do in the pro levels. So before I will be cutting a lot of water etc so strict diet limited carbs and protein. Pretty much cheat eat for 24 hours.
    Believe it or not I actually bulked with anavar because I wanted to pack on some lean muscle. If you bulk with var you will stay lean anyways because of the lipolytic affect it has because of the androgens.
    Gains are very keepable if you are a hard worker on AND off of the juice.

    One little thing, yeah var does supress you but it doesnt shut you down so I decided to not do an aggressive pct and decided to use test boosters. I used gaspari novadex XT and bsn axis ht. Yeah some of you might be thinking wtf test boosters are bullshit. But at the end of the day I have kept what i gained and you can see it. Sex drive is fine same as usual. So yeah thats some of my input on the var. Hope it helps bro

    those gains are very impressive. what sport are you competing in exactly?

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    its possible for var to shut you down just like test will mate.
    I would personally go wiv test for 12 weeks myself, but thats because var is so damn expensive !
    also, an oral cycle wont yeild the results test would...imo
    I have Anavar from Chinese sources, very cheap! Hence I can use whatever dose I want. And as for the results, out of 4 steroids that I have taken so far (Deca, Winstrol, Turinabol, Anavar), Anavar is by far the best choice for me! During the cycle I was permanently hungry and I ate like crazy - and after 8 weeks I was 5 kg (11 lbs) heavier than at the beginning! Due to a good combination of S-4 and anastrozol, I have kept virtually all strength from the cycle, but only 50% weight and size - which doesn't bother me, however, because I appreciate strength more than size.

    What you should have on your mind, however, is the fact that everybody is different. The claim that Anavar doesn't suppress testosterone is not correct and the suppression may vary from person to person. It is true that mg per mg, Anavar may be less suppressive than other steroids, but considering that you must take higher doses to achieve visible results, there are practically no significant differences.

    In clinical studies, 20-40 mg/day suppressed testosterone by ca. 45% after 12 weeks, and 80 mg/day even by two-thirds. I myself seem to be extremely susceptible to testosterone suppression and my blood values after 2 months of taking roughly 60 mg/day were virtually zero!

    The positive side of Anavar is its practically nil visible side effects. In fact, the androgenicity of this stuff is so laughably low that my skin - suffering from chronic acne for two decades - actually markedly improved on Anavar!
    (A note: Those, who say that Winstrol and Anavar are comparably low androgenic steroids, probably don't know what they are talking about. These steroids belong to completely different categories. I got big red festers on my face and many others on my back when on Winstrol, not speaking about terribly greasy skin and unbearable joint pain. NEVER WINSTROL AGAIN!)

    The invisible side effects (testosterone suppression, elevated liver enzymes, cholesterol values) are much more pronounced, although they certainly aren't deadly. In fact, besides the extreme testosterone suppression, only my cholesterol values were significantly disturbed (LDL:HDL ratio 10,7:1), but they returned to normal levels 2-3 months after the cycle. My current LDL:HDL ratio - 4 months after the cycle - is less than 3:1. My liver values were elevated as well, but they remained within the normal range, despite that I used as much as 80 mg/day for a certain period of time.

    To sum it up, I would recommend you to measure your blood levels before and after the cycle. Otherwise you won't know, how you react to this stuff and how you should modify your PCT.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 05-29-2010 at 05:48 PM.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    To sum it up, I would recommend you to measure your blood levels before and after the cycle. Otherwise you won't know, how you react to this stuff and how you should modify your PCT.
    What sort of blood test are you getting when you do this and are you doing it through your family doctor or a different lab somewhere?

  20. #60
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    Jul 2008
    I use a private lab. You must reckon with that hormone levels and cholesterol values are quite expensive, but liver enzymes are very cheap.

  21. #61
    Join Date
    May 2010
    hey bro, i was planning to run my first cycle of test-prop and dbol.. but after reading a few anavar threads, I'm thinking of running an anavar only cycle.. for a bulk, just like u lol

    post a log when u start please!

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by IMunchRoidz View Post
    hey bro, i was planning to run my first cycle of test-prop and dbol.. but after reading a few anavar threads, I'm thinking of running an anavar only cycle.. for a bulk, just like u lol

    post a log when u start please!
    Sure mate..

  23. #63
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    Im a huge fan of anavar brutha and i think your going to love your var only cyc. Ive always had atleast 50-80mgs a day for 8 weeks! I also took some natural test boosters like avina sativa and tribulus along with it! I always had nolva on hand but ive never had to use it and clomid for your pct! I also liked to take NOexplode with it bc as im sure you know, vascularity is vars main effect! Happy growing...

    and your test/var cyc is going to be even better!!

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyHitter View Post
    Im a huge fan of anavar brutha and i think your going to love your var only cyc. Ive always had atleast 50-80mgs a day for 8 weeks! I also took some natural test boosters like avina sativa and tribulus along with it! I always had nolva on hand but ive never had to use it and clomid for your pct! I also liked to take NOexplode with it bc as im sure you know, vascularity is vars main effect! Happy growing...

    and your test/var cyc is going to be even better!!
    Yeah..hope so.. Thanx bro..

  25. #65
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    How long does Anavar stay in the system? If someone were going to compete in a powerlifting meet how long before the meet should you go off it?

  26. #66
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    EDIT: double post, srry

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by setian View Post
    How long does Anavar stay in the system? If someone were going to compete in a powerlifting meet how long before the meet should you go off it?
    ^ thread jacked :/

    I believe ive heard 3 weeks. dont rely on this noobs advice though

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by setian View Post
    How long does Anavar stay in the system? If someone were going to compete in a powerlifting meet how long before the meet should you go off it?
    Pm to BJJ bro.. when it comes to anavar.. he can give you the best advice..

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