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  1. #1
    AnonEagle's Avatar
    AnonEagle is offline Junior Member
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    Seeking Halo Info and Experiences

    For clarity, this is about Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone), not Anabolic Halo by MuscleTech.

    Everything I have heard about this compound really interests me. However, the only reputable articles I have read about Halo are its profile here:
    and here: http://www.************.com/halotestin-fluoxymesterone/

    First, a little background:
    To say it briefly, I am currently playing football at some school. I struggle, to say the least, to keep up with my team mates in the weight room, particularly bench press. I've been working my ass off in the weight room since 9th grade, just long limbs (good for football, but not lifting), and a very skinny frame have held me back. Most of my team, on the other hand, is pretty much genetic freaks, many of whom didn't step into a weight room all summer and still rep out 315 on bench, ofcourse the ones that work max in the 4s or 5s. Even if I can just not stand out for lifting less, i would be happy. Since then and now, I ran one cycle of Test E 583mg/W for 11 weeks. I ran Nolva PCT 40/40/20/20, and used Exemestane on and off at 12.5mg/day. I did make nice gains from my Test cycle. And I plan on taking the full time off of cycle length + PCT.

    Now what drew me to this chem, and what vaguely what I was hoping to get from it:
    I was really hoping to run it for a couple weeks before camp and maybe through only the first week of camp (no more than 3 or 4 weeks total, at a low dosage). I was really hoping that this would give me one last boost in strength before heading into camp, without too much of a shutdown afterward. If it has too much shutdown to be run alone, I'm also considering running it with a short cycle of Test Prop.

    Everything I read about this compound is that it is great for strength, and doesn't aromatize, thus wouldn't cause the estrogenic side effects test would. The liver and hair side effects I can live with. Then I see on forums that people say it will completely shut you down?

    Now, the main question I still have at this point:

    I constantly see criticism of an oral only cycle, which I have always believed in as well. But would a small cycle of halo only follow this rule? I do not mind adding in Prop if it is a safer approach.

    Definitely would VERY MUCH appreciate any studies, scholarly material, or good articles about Halo as well.

    Also, any good personal anecdotes on using Halo, especially for a similar purpose (athletic strength)?

    I was planning on doing a PCT for it. Not sure what it would consist of exactly if I ran it alone, as in would I run the same dosing of Nolva that I have used before? Was also thinking about using Toremifene that has interested me as a second SERM.

    If I cannot safely run this cycle, i will not. I am really just seeking information.

    This cycle is not for the purpose of putting on any size, that's what the rest of this offseason is for. And I am aware of the drug testing situation and it is under control.

    My stats:
    height: 6'4''
    wingspan: 80" (6' 8")
    currently 250ish... hopefully 255
    Defensive End
    BF%.. dunno but not very lean. when it comes preseason time I will have it exactly where I want it.. somewhat typical BF for a bigger end though if you watch much football. please don't get on my for my BF, if coach gave me the green light, believe me I would love to be jacked.
    Bench ~280, about 10 reps of 225
    Squat ~440
    Power Clean: at least 280

    Thank you,
    Last edited by AnonEagle; 05-24-2010 at 09:20 PM.

  2. #2
    AnonEagle's Avatar
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    really no one? maybe i shoulda titled my thread "150lb 6'1 should i do m-tren stacked with dbol and wini" and i'd have 50 replies by now lol....

  3. #3
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    My eyes are killing me so did no read you post..

    I am running halos right now for the first time...

    I am getting stronger and am noticing some sides like head aces, lack of sleep, and pissing every three hours, but could be because my water intake is very high...

    all in all I like it....I am not going to run it for more then three weeks....

    hope this helps and sorry about the delay bro

  4. #4
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Have you considered anavar ?

    thats what I would do in your case. You say you want to be 255 well var would probably get you there. var has very impressive strength gains for me. and you can EASILY run it alone without test.

    I'd do at least 40mgs at 4 weeks... but thats a really weak cycle imo.

    IMO, 60-80mgs at 6weeks would be great for you.

    Then you'll be benching 315 in no time...Make sure your diet is in check as well.

  5. #5
    AnonEagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    My eyes are killing me so did no read you post..

    I am running halos right now for the first time...

    I am getting stronger and am noticing some sides like head aces, lack of sleep, and pissing every three hours, but could be because my water intake is very high...

    all in all I like it....I am not going to run it for more then three weeks....

    hope this helps and sorry about the delay bro
    thanks for the input man! what dose are you running?

    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Have you considered anavar ?

    thats what I would do in your case. You say you want to be 255 well var would probably get you there. var has very impressive strength gains for me. and you can EASILY run it alone without test.
    i didn't mean i want to be 255. i meant that as in "hopefully i am 255 right now, because i haven't weighed in a few days". my goal with this cycle is not to gain weight. i can control my weight naturally, that's not the point of this cycle i'm thinking about. if i get stronger and do gain weight, i'll be happy, if i don't, i'll still be happy. i've always read that anavar is one of the mildest compounds, and that halo can produce much larger strength gains, especially if i don't care about putting on weight. are you saying you've seen better strength gains with a high dose of anavar vs halotestin ?

    thanks for the input bros!
    Last edited by AnonEagle; 05-20-2010 at 09:51 PM.

  6. #6
    thisbmine is offline Banned
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    If you increase size, you increase weight. Which should inturn = you lifting more. Perhaps you missed something along the way.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisbmine View Post
    If you increase size, you increase weight. Which should inturn = you lifting more. Perhaps you missed something along the way.
    yes that would be the prototypical way most chems work... but where were you going with this? i don't care whether I gain weight or not. I'm only looking for strength.

    As per steroid .com's profile, "As far as strength and agression goes, Halo is a great drug. It is especially useful on a cutting or strength cycle. It´s use for mass and weight gains have been pretty disappointing for most users, however." This would indicate that it increases your strength a lot, without much increase in size/weight. If I did gain some lbs, that's cool too.

  8. #8
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    [QUOTE=AnonEagle;5192863]thanks for the input man! what dose are you running?

    I am running it at 40mg ed for the four is a dry gain and not sure how much you will really keep as far as muscle wise, but I look at it like this I get strong and workout harder so I am causing the muscle to grow, I am feeding it protein helping it recover so should keep a lot of it bro...

    Key to keeping your gains is to work as hard off cycle as you did on cycle. Eat the same off cycle as you did on's not just a run but a life style.

  9. #9
    AnonEagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by AnonEagle View Post
    thanks for the input man! what dose are you running?

    I am running it at 40mg ed for the four is a dry gain and not sure how much you will really keep as far as muscle wise, but I look at it like this I get strong and workout harder so I am causing the muscle to grow, I am feeding it protein helping it recover so should keep a lot of it bro...

    Key to keeping your gains is to work as hard off cycle as you did on cycle. Eat the same off cycle as you did on's not just a run but a life style.
    thanks for the advice man, appreciate your input a lot. i'd like to hear how your cycle ends up

  10. #10
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    I really like halo. Kind of hard to find. I usually run 30 mg with with suspended test like in addition to my cycle, for a cycle pick-me-up. I use it for strength only.

  11. #11
    Bossman's Avatar
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    You won't keep the strength off cycle. I've used it as a precontest prep as it increases hardness in bodybuilders. It's for short term use, very liver toxic. You will have strength increase while on, but it will be short lived. Im sure that's not what you're looking for.

  12. #12
    AndriodLee is offline Associate Member
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    hold old are you. I get the impression that your still in high school after reading your post.

  13. #13
    supermanfw's Avatar
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    Houston we have a problem
    i was always told that if its your 1st cycle not run tren or halo

  14. #14
    AnonEagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You won't keep the strength off cycle. I've used it as a precontest prep as it increases hardness in bodybuilders. It's for short term use, very liver toxic. You will have strength increase while on, but it will be short lived. Im sure that's not what you're looking for.
    oh... yea that's not what i was really hoping to hear.. is there anything that you would suggest for my situation? Liver toxicity doesn't really bother me, and I won't be drinking at all during camp and most likely much at all.

    Other things I've thought about are Drol, but I've heard that is extremely harsh and doesn't seem like something you would want near season.. and then I was also thinking about running NPP with Prop... would those gains be more maintainable?

    Thanks for the input man, really appreciate the response!

    Quote Originally Posted by AndriodLee View Post
    hold old are you. I get the impression that your still in high school after reading your post.
    No... definitely not high school. i get nervous saying too much, especially when posting here, but we are a very competitive program.

    Quote Originally Posted by supermanfw View Post
    i was always told that if its your 1st cycle not run tren or halo
    it will not be my first cycle. as in OP, I ran test E 583mg/W with Tamoxifen Citrate PCT and Exemestane AI as needed.

  15. #15
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
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    What about acne? No one mentioned it.
    I haven't used it, but I know a few guys who have, and all of them got a pretty bad acne...

    You don't have this problem?

    Actually, that's the reason I haven't used it yet... The fear of that terrible acne of all of them... And they weren't prone to acne as I am... So I could end severely bad.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED26 View Post
    What about acne? No one mentioned it.
    I haven't used it, but I know a few guys who have, and all of them got a pretty bad acne...

    You don't have this problem?

    Actually, that's the reason I haven't used it yet... The fear of that terrible acne of all of them... And they weren't prone to acne as I am... So I could end severely bad.
    Acne is caused when you hormones get out of whack, HCG will help this from happening..Oh and keep you ass clean...JK

  17. #17
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    Acne is caused when you hormones get out of whack, HCG will help this from happening..
    What does HCG has to do with controling hormones?
    Let's say you're using "x" steroid ... Your hormones WILL GET out of "whack"...
    HCG it's used only during a cycle to prevent testicular atrophy, and that's it. (That's what I had understood)

    I just... Don't see how HCG would help with that... Can you explain yourself please?

  18. #18
    CMB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnonEagle View Post

    i didn't mean i want to be 255. i meant that as in "hopefully i am 255 right now, because i haven't weighed in a few days". my goal with this cycle is not to gain weight. i can control my weight naturally, that's not the point of this cycle i'm thinking about. if i get stronger and do gain weight, i'll be happy, if i don't, i'll still be happy. i've always read that anavar is one of the mildest compounds, and that halo can produce much larger strength gains, especially if i don't care about putting on weight. are you saying you've seen better strength gains with a high dose of anavar vs halotestin ?

    thanks for the input bros!
    Im saying my strength shot up 35% at 60mgs for 6 weeks with var. if thats not strength gains then idk what is.

  19. #19
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED26 View Post
    What does HCG has to do with controling hormones?
    Let's say you're using "x" steroid ... Your hormones WILL GET out of "whack"...
    HCG it's used only during a cycle to prevent testicular atrophy, and that's it. (That's what I had understood)

    I just... Don't see how HCG would help with that... Can you explain yourself please?
    Well this is something i have experienced and a couple of my friends.

    What I suspect is that you are still making test in your system which keeps the hormones under control..

    in bold
    it helps in recover of your natty test as well bro because it keeps the body producing it...

  20. #20
    RED26 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    Well this is something i have experienced and a couple of my friends.

    What I suspect is that you are still making test in your system which keeps the hormones under control..

    in bold
    it helps in recover of your natty test as well bro because it keeps the body producing it...
    Of course, If you prevent your complete shutdown then it would be better, and easier to recuperate when and after the PCT...

    But my point is... I wouldn't rely on HCG to prevent acne...
    It's not like "use HCG, that way your hormones wouldn't get as messy as they would if you're not using it during cycle and by that means you dont have to worry about acne..."

    And that's why I mentioned it... The problem that keeps me thinking about using it or not (halo)... Is that side effect.

    Maybe, as I said, not everyone get severe acne on halotestin .... Maybe they do.. I only know few experiences.

  21. #21
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    And that's why I mentioned it... The problem that keeps me thinking about using it or not (halo)... Is that side effect.

    The sides I would say are the same as anadrol it make you lazy but that makes it a great stack with tren ....

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