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Thread: enenthate 200??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    enenthate 200??

    had an offer of apparently and incredible sted "enenthate 200", looked it up and the only thing i could find close to it was tren enenthate. but he swears its not tren, it is its own sted. "human steroid" he keeps repeating. and whenever he jabs, he reckons theres no corking. he also has enenthate 100. which i cant find anything close to it. is this guy bullshitting me or...?

  2. #2


    He might be talking about Testosterone Enanthate. I am currently using this product on a 250mg dose every two weeks and it has been great. Doctors use it as a hormone replacement therapy for men with declining levels of testosterone. It is an anabolic steroid and in my case it has had no side effects thus far.
    There is plenty of information on the net if you type in the above name. I hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    thanks crash, but i know about test e, and been researching every night for 2 weeks and i find anything.

    hes been on it for 4 weeks and had pretty good gains, but i think he doesnt know what he has and what hes taking it anyway. dumbass

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