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Thread: Side effects of roids how to prevent?

  1. #1

    Side effects of roids how to prevent?

    Hey guys just wondering I am about to start taking primo and test enthante and was wondering side effects and what i should do to pervent them. I found out already from a good source that i need to take a pct after my cycle but is there anything eles i should do or take? also anyway to prevent rage and such ? These might sound stupid questions I just am very curious and what to take my cycle correct and safe thanks alot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    they have a steriod profile section so u can figure out the sides. u need too do some more researching before diving in thats for sure

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    This is your 3rd post asking a question that could be easily found in the first few stickies. No matter how many topics you create you will still be too young for steroids! Do your research, proper diet and training for a few more years then worry about aas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    first thing everyone has told you your not ready to do this.

    There is a button labeled SEARCH. You do realise you can search for your answers

  5. #5
    i think im ready i got a trainer that is lifting with me so my training will be good also now know what pct to take and how and also only do a 5 week cycle i want to try n just want to do it the heatlhy way and i am researching just firgured you guys could help me but if not thats okay sorry for asking just want to do this the right way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    If you really want to do it the right way you would wait until your body has matured enough for aas. We aren't discriminating against you because your 19, at your age you could be shut down and not recover after a cycle. We are trying to help you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Don't take them.

    Prevention is better than a cure

    (for the 3rd time this morning) you are too young. Granted youre not 16, but read some posts. We have good reason for advising this to you. We just dont get paid so we cant be bothered having detailed responses on cut n paste at hand.

    Frankly Im a litle tired of this response. Read todays posts. Ive answered why you should do aas at your age. Or ignore at least 50 years experience. Youre young so obviously smart. Your call. But dont be surprised when we ignore your future threads seeking advice on problems youve encountered. This isnt pot we're talking about.

  8. #8
    ok thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Some people just have that urge and desire... spend some time. and learn. How do you think a lot of us learned. we didnt just post question after question. If you actually searched and read similar posts to what your looking for you would be surprised to how much u will learn.

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