Crazy story cuz my sup. have no fricken ptc gear no more, i had no enough funds to stuck up all the gear, and now he dont have it. So to day i wen to a doctor and told him the story, that im a pacient and i really need the Nolvadex or Clomid and he said i have to show him my gear, my balls heheheeh, and website where he can study a bit the thing, before he give me a prescription. So what im asking for is a website explaining both of the products. I used it has a loads of legit info, on all and mostly i found it separate so thats why i stuck to that site, but they have decryption of clomid only and many say same as you to do both whan it comes to ptc, period, so it be very convenient to give him one place where he can look up the info on both products. I just need that stuff so wanna make it easy for him. I will appreciate if you or someone else knows a site like that. Thanx man.