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Thread: Dbol, test and deca first cycle

  1. #1

    Dbol, test and deca first cycle

    Hi everyone. I am 3 weeks in my first ever cycle.
    I was told by a friend who has been using steroids for years to do a dbol, test and deca cycle for maximum gains. This is the cycle i am on!
    30mg dbol a day. Weeks 1-6
    400mg deca a wk. Weeks 1-10
    500mg test a wk. Weeks 1-10
    i done a bit of reseatch b4 my cycle and alot of people were recomending this cycle, so i started it.
    After doing more reasearch i think that mayby this is too much!
    I am 3.5 weeks in and i am already seeing very good gains!
    Can people please tell me if this is a good or bad cycle.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes thats a bad cycle for a first timer, who ever is advicing you I wouldnt listen to them again, you should also do research before doing any kind of cycle.

    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ah the bread and butter cycle.

    You don't need that many compounds for your first cycle.

    What are your stats?

    years training?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leeroy187 View Post
    Hi everyone. I am 3 weeks in my first ever cycle.
    I was told by a friend who has been using steroids for years to do a dbol, test and deca cycle for maximum gains. This is the cycle i am on!
    30mg dbol a day. Weeks 1-6
    400mg deca a wk. Weeks 1-10
    500mg test a wk. Weeks 1-10
    i done a bit of reseatch b4 my cycle and alot of people were recomending this cycle, so i started it.
    After doing more reasearch i think that mayby this is too much!
    I am 3.5 weeks in and i am already seeing very good gains!
    Can people please tell me if this is a good or bad cycle.
    Which idiots recommended this cycle. Stats?

    You should only run one compound for a first cycle. people usually advise doing test for 12 weeks at 500mg

    What pct do you have planned?

  5. #5
    Im 25 years old, 6ft tall, 195 pounds. Bf????? Im slim, quite toned but wana get bigger. Ive been training for 2 years. And pritty much do 5 days training a week. I have no pct planned yet? Wat stack would you recommend??

  6. #6
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    As you've already started this cycle i suggest you either stop the deca at week 10 and continue your test until week 12 or stop the deca at week 8 and run the test until week 10.As for pct a standard nolva/clomid pct
    Thats 40mg nolva 100mg clomid per day for 1 week
    then 20mg nolva and 50 mg clomid for the next 3 weeks.

  7. #7
    if you don't do pct after your cycle ends, you are in for a world of hurting when you come off

  8. #8
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    As you've already started this cycle i suggest you either stop the deca at week 10 and continue your test until week 12 or stop the deca at week 8 and run the test until week 10.As for pct a standard nolva/clomid pct
    Thats 40mg nolva 100mg clomid per day for 1 week
    then 20mg nolva and 50 mg clomid for the next 3 weeks.
    In this case sig, cause he has used so many compounds, do u think his clomid should be
    and nolva 40/40/20/20 so first fortnight double the dosages?

  9. #9
    Do you recomend me getting clomid and nolva or just use one of them? If just one which woild you recomend?

  10. #10
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    Do not ask me for a source check.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leeroy187 View Post
    Hi everyone. I am 3 weeks in my first ever cycle.
    I was told by a friend who has been using steroids for years to do a dbol, test and deca cycle for maximum gains. This is the cycle i am on!
    30mg dbol a day. Weeks 1-6
    400mg deca a wk. Weeks 1-10
    500mg test a wk. Weeks 1-10
    i done a bit of reseatch b4 my cycle and alot of people were recomending this cycle, so i started it.
    After doing more reasearch i think that mayby this is too much!
    I am 3.5 weeks in and i am already seeing very good gains!
    Can people please tell me if this is a good or bad cycle.
    Only 500mgs of test to 400mgs of deca sounds like a good recipe for deca dick....I'm on the same cycle, but was told I should use a 2:1 test to deca ratio to help avoid it. Do you have any symptons?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by turbot View Post
    Only 500mgs of test to 400mgs of deca sounds like a good recipe for deca dick....I'm on the same cycle, but was told I should use a 2:1 test to deca ratio to help avoid it. Do you have any symptons?
    probably one of the most mis-understood and parroted things around.

    one doesn't need a 2:1 ratio.

    he's still injecting 500mg test a week....he should be fine.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    probably one of the most mis-understood and parroted things around.

    one doesn't need a 2:1 ratio.

    he's still injecting 500mg test a week....he should be fine.
    X2, 250mgs of test and he wouldnt suffer..

    People often use test just to replace the test they loose from being shut down at low doses..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  14. #14
    No i havent had any symptons of deca dick or any side affects. I am only on my 4th week though. I was thinking of stopping the deca at week 8 and continue the test until week 10. Does this sound good??? I will bye sum clomid and nolva then for post cycle. Anyone know where i can purchase these. Cheers everyone for there input!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leeroy187 View Post
    No i havent had any symptons of deca dick or any side affects. I am only on my 4th week though. I was thinking of stopping the deca at week 8 and continue the test until week 10. Does this sound good??? I will bye sum clomid and nolva then for post cycle. Anyone know where i can purchase these. Cheers everyone for there input!!
    the ar-r banner on the top right.

  16. #16
    Is clomid short for clomiphene and nolva short for nolvadex???
    Im trying to bye sum in ar-r banner in the top right corner! Has anyone brought anything from this site before?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Just click on the words in blue in your post, clomid and nolva. thats what you need.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leeroy187 View Post
    Is clomid short for clomiphene and nolva short for nolvadex???
    Im trying to bye sum in ar-r banner in the top right corner! Has anyone brought anything from this site before?
    Yes that is what they are short for. And yes alot of people on here order from there. They are good

  19. #19


    Thanx mate!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    There is a separate section for ar if you have questions about anything. many of users have used them

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    You're on a very solid bulk cycle, I will be starting a similar one in few weeks

    Make sure you get your PCT in check

    Keeps us posted on your gains/sides


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