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Thread: Test Cyp ONLY cycle; Just had gyno surgery

  1. #1

    Test Cyp ONLY cycle; Just had gyno surgery

    I recently had gyno surgery (last week; it was from puberty, not steroid usage. I've had it all of my life). Doctor said I was out of the gym for roughly 3 weeks. Upon returning, I'm looking to do a cycle using test cyp only, as it is all I can get and am willing to get my hands on. I'll be using test cyp that is 100mg/ml. The only thing I can get for PCT is Nolva (10mg a dose). Basically, I'm wondering what doses I can use (I'm looking at 1-2x 200mg weekly) and if it wise with my pre-existing condition. Currently I'm at 250lbs with roughly 23% BF (I know, NOT the best physique). I need to get my diet in check, and I honestly feel, with this surgery, it's time to do it. I've always made excuses because whatever I did in the gym, I would always have gyno, and just couldn't get over that fact. I'm looking to run the cycle for 12 weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    A cycle is the last thing you need to worry about bro. Your body fat is too high thus, seeing as you are gyno prone, you will SEVERELY risk putting it right back on. You say that you "need to get my diet in check" which should be done, IMO, atleast a solid year before considering gear. I am certain that whatever your goals are it can be attained through a proper diet. Also, you do not mention your age or full stats such as height, weightlifting experience, etc... Aside from that, reading the described dosages that you would like to run shows that you need to do more research in that department as well. Hit the diet section of this forum bro. I am living proof that a REAL DIET is the magic source of muscle gain, not steroids. You do not need to cycle especially with such a high body fat percentage, little to no diet knowledge, gyno-removal surgery, and lack of education about steroids/pct in general. I am not meaning to come off as rude bro but no one on this forum wants to see anyone risk damaging their health therefore we all have your best interest at heart. Clean up the diet, stick to it, lift hard, do the cardio, and change your physique. Peace brother.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    agreed with above

  4. #4
    Thanks for the honesty and that's EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I'll probably put it off for a while until I get in proper shape. Thanks.

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