I recently had gyno surgery (last week; it was from puberty, not steroid usage. I've had it all of my life). Doctor said I was out of the gym for roughly 3 weeks. Upon returning, I'm looking to do a cycle using test cyp only, as it is all I can get and am willing to get my hands on. I'll be using test cyp that is 100mg/ml. The only thing I can get for PCT is Nolva (10mg a dose). Basically, I'm wondering what doses I can use (I'm looking at 1-2x 200mg weekly) and if it wise with my pre-existing condition. Currently I'm at 250lbs with roughly 23% BF (I know, NOT the best physique). I need to get my diet in check, and I honestly feel, with this surgery, it's time to do it. I've always made excuses because whatever I did in the gym, I would always have gyno, and just couldn't get over that fact. I'm looking to run the cycle for 12 weeks.