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Thread: Anavar for fat loss?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Question Anavar for fat loss?

    I have unwanted body fat: both abdominal and around the buttocks, and I need to lose 22 pounds in the mass. Moreover, I need to accomplish it quite fast... . So, as I had heard of oxandrolone's fat- burning abilities, I was thinking about taking 20mg of it everyday for 8 to 12 weeks in combination with a proper diet and an exercise program. But then again, I've not considered to take it for muscle building purposes- my goal is just to look more lean. Before I came across anavar, I also had been thinking about trying clenbuterol till I heard about it's possible negative impact on a cardiovascular system... .
    My questions would be:

    1) How effective anavar is for the fat burning purposes?
    2) Does it really is milder for liver than dbol?
    3) How long the cycle should be (if the goal is fat loss)?
    4) Have I chosen an adequate dose?
    5) What else I should know about this substance?

    My stats:

    age: 22yo
    height: 5' 11''
    weight: 188 lb
    steroids & compounds, I've used in my cycles,etc: dhea, proviron, andriol, sustanon 250, enanthate.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I've heard (never tried it myself yet but will do so soon) Anavar is very effective at fat loss. You will stand to loose upto 5%-10% body fat per cycle, assuming your diet and training is in order.

    Your dosage is too small to be of use. Only women take 10-20mg. For men a dosage of at least 40mg is recommended. For my cycle of anavar I intend to stat at 40mg and then maybe ramp it up till 60mg. You may want to do the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hdd123 View Post
    1) How effective anavar is for the fat burning purposes? Anavar is a steroid not a fat burner.
    2) Does it really is milder for liver than dbol? Yes it is milder.
    3) How long the cycle should be (if the goal is fat loss)? 4-6 weeks as with any oral.
    4) Have I chosen an adequate dose? No.
    5) What else I should know about this substance? It shouldn't be run by itself.
    Well if you do ignore everyones advice make sure you do a proper PCT, answers in bold. With proper diet, cardio and lifting you could easily lose 22lb of fat - if you need assistance than run Clenbuterol cycled with an ECA stack. Steroids aren't going to burn fat off of you, diet and exercise will.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    So you want to be 5'11" and 166 lbs? What is your bf% now?

    I would skip the anavar and just focus on diet/cardio. Anavar would help maintain lean mass, but you said that is not a priority for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    diet and cardio.......lots of cardio.......

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