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Thread: Bummed out literally...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Bummed out literally...


    Did my second IM shot of sustanon in the gluts and man it feels like a dead leg to the ass (23 gauge, 3 ml, 1 1/2")...I massaged the area immediately afterwards but is this pretty much what I should expect for the next 10 weeks?

    I aspirated and kept the location high and to the side (and clean). Maybe it's the gear? Is sustanon particularly a hard injection? Also, because I'm still new to administering these shots, I have a tendency to insert the needle slowly as well as injecting the fluid. Could this be the problem? One more thing, I couldn't get all the air out the needle no matter how hard I tried. Could this be the problem?


    Last edited by kenny1022; 05-23-2010 at 10:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Edit out that lab name and read the board rules before posting again...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    sustonon is know to cause pain at the injection site ,it should go away after around3-4 days and the further you get into your cycle the less apin your shoots will cause you due to the area becomeing tolarent to the solvents and hormone in the sustonon,as for the ugl its hit and miss as there are lots of ugl,s all competeing in the market ,belive it or not people are paid to big up or put down other labs ,you just have to go with what you think is good after your reserch .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thank you for the advice. BIG RELIEF. I hate the idea that it's going to get better only to do it again. Alternate butt cheek, right? Doing sustanon 250mg twice a week.

  5. #5
    yes rotate your injection sites -right glute monday / left glute thursday.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    This is so retarded but I find pinning the leftside about a million times harder than the right cheek. Must be something with being a righty...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    also, pin your shoulders... if u just keep alternating glutes youll be in some real pain. i learned this the hard way with sustanon.. im injecting mine every 3 days and i go right glute, left glute, right delt, left delt.. delts are actually the most painless for me and sooooo much easier to get to than the glutes..

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