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Thread: I'm New and Need Cutting Advice

  1. #1

    I'm New and Need Cutting Advice

    I have been working out with pretty much the same routine for about 3 years now. I am 6'0" 265. I have never bulked and I have kept my diet under control for the last year. Currently I consume about 4, 400 calorie meals so a total of 1600 calories a day composed of 250g of protien, with a small amount of fat and carbs. I lift heavy weights 4 times a week and do cardio 5 times a week and give my body 1 day of rest per week for close to a year now. Still after all this, I haven't noticed any more definition. I have been reading and looking into taking Winstrol as many people say that would help. Can somebody help me out and point me in the right direction? Based on everything I have read there shouldn't be any way possible for me to maintain my current weight on the diet i have been on. I am looking to cut up, any help or comments are appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Post your exact diet up in the diet section..... you'll get some great responses there that will do wonders for you.

    Regarding aas..... they don't burn fat. Only diet and cardio do that..... so running winny right now will be pointless unless you can lose the fat through diet and cardio.....


  3. #3
    Ill do that, Thanks for the quick response.

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