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Thread: Toremifene

  1. #1
    migs03 is offline New Member
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    As you can tell by my number of post i'm new to this site. But I have been seriously researching roids for a number of years. I have read almost all stickies before joining and I have found very little information about PCT's using Toremifene.

    My question is for a standard 10-12wk Test e cycle with a 4wk dbol kicker how should I use Toremifene.

    Tore/Clomid or

    Cycle history-0

    I will also be utilizing HCG and adex during my cycle.

  2. #2
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
    fattywarbucks is offline Associate Member
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    Very interested in tore info. Have gotten some but would like more. swifto was very helpful with this. According to him, the second gen serms like tore are easier on sides, such as vision blurring. I plan on trying tore, so any additional info is awesome

  3. #3
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by migs03 View Post
    As you can tell by my number of post i'm new to this site. But I have been seriously researching roids for a number of years. I have read almost all stickies before joining and I have found very little information about PCT's using Toremifene.

    My question is for a standard 10-12wk Test e cycle with a 4wk dbol kicker how should I use Toremifene.

    Tore/Clomid or

    Cycle history-0

    I will also be utilizing HCG and adex during my cycle.
    I have used torem in the last two pcts'. It proved to be very helpful in restoring my hpta. I have used it with clomid and I have used it with nolva. Either will suffice but if the clomid sides are not to bad for you, I would go for using it with clomid.

    torem 120/60/60/30
    clomid 50/50/50/25

    Do you have an AI in case you need it???

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I recovered fine in just 4 weeks recently after 4 months of shutdown (Dbol /Test P) with Tamox/Tore. Best PCT to date.

    I used HCG the final 14 days at 625ius/ED with Aromasin 10mg/ED, then Tamox 40/20/20/20, Tore 120/120/120/60. Done.

    But be warned, I bounce back very well. Normal PCT is 5-6 weeks.

  5. #5
    migs03 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I have used torem in the last two pcts'. It proved to be very helpful in restoring my hpta. I have used it with clomid and I have used it with nolva. Either will suffice but if the clomid sides are not to bad for you, I would go for using it with clomid.

    torem 120/60/60/30
    clomid 50/50/50/25

    Do you have an AI in case you need it???
    Thanks for the reply. And yes absolutely I will have adex on hand.

  6. #6
    migs03 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I recovered fine in just 4 weeks recently after 4 months of shutdown (Dbol /Test P) with Tamox/Tore. Best PCT to date.

    I used HCG the final 14 days at 625ius/ED with Aromasin 10mg/ED, then Tamox 40/20/20/20, Tore 120/120/120/60. Done.

    But be warned, I bounce back very well. Normal PCT is 5-6 weeks.
    Wow!!! bounced back in only 4 weeks after 4 months of shutdown impressive. I can only hope all be so lucky.
    Thanks for the reply Swifto very interesting.
    I was leaning more towards Tore/Tamox since all have Tamox on hand in case of any gyno flare ups. Also I read in one of the PCT stickies to run HCG throughout the cycle I believe at 250iu's x2 everyweek =500iu's everyweek. Is that the standard protocol or is it more benefical to run it the way you did for a shorter period but higher dose? What about the adex then should I only take it on days I shoot the HCG to avoid estro/prog buildup and at what dose? Also since its my 1st cycle I will definetly not like to take any chances with my all so important HPTA if I extend the PCT to five weeks would it be tamox 40/20/20/20/20 tore 120/120/120/60/60? thanks for all the help.

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