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Thread: Need advice on first injectable cycle

  1. #1

    Need advice on first injectable cycle

    Hey guys Saru here. I am looking for some good advice on my first injectable cycle. Will run you through the basics to begin with.
    Age: 18
    Height: 175cm = 5ft 7in
    Weight: 85kg
    BF%: 8%
    Cycle Exp: 4 cycles experience/oral tren cycle/2 M1T cycles/anavar cycle
    PCT Knowledge: Very well educated
    Training Exp: 4 years
    Diet: Strict

    I've been weight training since the age of 14. Yes I know that is too young to start but whats done has been done. I am aware that my growth has probably been stunted a while back. Yes I am 18, no typing error there. Was given some oral tren when I was 15 by some guys at the gym. At the time I had no knowledge about juicing at all. It was after that experience that pushed me onto educating myself. When I turned 16 I did a M1T pro hormone cycle and then another when I was 17. At 18 I did a 8 week var cycle dosed at 70mg for the first week and then 80mg for the rest.
    Please don't categorise my into the 'clueless teenager' category.
    I'll be starting uni soon doing biomedicine and then specialising in endocrinology. This is surely an indication of how dedicated I am.

    Ok now thats out of the way. Lets move on to the real stuff.
    I start uni in october so I am wanting to do the following cycle and finish pct for the holidays.

    Main goals
    Strength, lean muscle, ripped, power for mixed martial arts and looking in great shape.

    8 week cycle consisting of

    Test enanthate x2 EW
    Oxymetholone 50mg ED - 4 weeks only
    Proviron 50mg ED throughout the whole cycle
    HGH 2IUs ED

    HGH 2IUs ED

    HGH is possibly a maybe depending on what you guys think.

    Bridge and have time off over the holidays and start cycling again in February.
    Will be bridging with
    Anavar 20mg ED

    After this I plan to start a longer cycle consisting of
    6 weeks
    Testosterone Enanthate x 2 EW
    Oxymetholone 50mg ED - 4 weeks only
    Deca x 1 EW
    Proviron 50mg ED
    HGH 2 IUs

    14 weeks
    Testosterone Enanthate x 2 EW
    Trenbolone Enanthate x 1 EW
    Primobolan x 3 EW
    Masteron x 3 EW
    Proviron 50mg ED
    HGH 2ius ED


    Time off till next cycle

    Questions and advice
    -What do you guys think?
    -If I had to choose between primo and masteron which would be better?
    -Should I include Finesteride?
    -Is the 14 week cycle too long?
    -Should I take a pct in between and take a break for a month and start cycling again?
    -Any helpful suggestions?
    -Not messing with tren so will be shooting once a week only, would this be alright?
    -Should I use the deca or give it a miss during the bulk?
    - Will I be susceptible to tren cough if I am asthmatic

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you will find few here who advise an 18 year old to cycle, good luck.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You shouldnt touch steroids at your age, you will cause yourself some serious damage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    You are 18, 187 lbs and 8% body fat and you want to risk your current and future health for what? You already dominate 99% of the males your age physique wise.

    I just can't see it unless you want to be a pro (something). Thats just me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    fvk man I can't belive u started this when u were 15. being 18 and uv done 4cycles before I really don't kno what to say but ill tell u what I think. U should go to the doc and ask for a blood test to c if everything is ok u ran 4cycles of orals at the age of 15 to 18 so just
    make sure ur liver and that are running ok. Secondly if u have asma don't touch tren.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You should be injecting about 1.5 - 2g of protein per pound of lean body weight using a Knife, fork and spoon every day and about 1.5 gallons of water.

    Even though you have done cycles in the past does not mean it's a good/OK to continue. Get into the doctor/Endocrinologist like you said and get all the blood work and everything checked before considering doing anything else.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-24-2010 at 11:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you will find few here who advise an 18 year old to cycle, good luck.
    There is a difference between advising a clueless beginner 18 year old about cycling and advising an 18 year old that has had cycle experience and is thoroughly educated on the topic in hand.

    I get the idea you have just skimmed through my post and saw my age and then immediately write a negative reply

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You shouldnt touch steroids at your age, you will cause yourself some serious damage.
    You say steroids will cause some serious damage. But you failed to mention what damage exactly. If steroids are so damaging surely you would tell me the dangerous things it can do.

    I understand the effects associated with cycling, and like I said I have cycled and done my PCT properly. I have had no severe problems at all.

    So if your going to make a point at least expand on it please. Stating that something will damage you means nothing.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    You are 18, 187 lbs and 8% body fat and you want to risk your current and future health for what? You already dominate 99% of the males your age physique wise.

    I just can't see it unless you want to be a pro (something). Thats just me.
    I achieved my current stats through good training, good diet, sleep and cycling. All I am looking for is some quality advice from current users about my next cycle. I would appreciate less negative rejection and more helpfulness.

    I am not planning to cycle just for casual use and aesthetics.
    I am looking to work my way up to become professional in mma and I also model part time.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gym_junki View Post
    fvk man I can't belive u started this when u were 15. being 18 and uv done 4cycles before I really don't kno what to say but ill tell u what I think. U should go to the doc and ask for a blood test to c if everything is ok u ran 4cycles of orals at the age of 15 to 18 so just
    make sure ur liver and that are running ok. Secondly if u have asma don't touch tren.
    Thanks man for the advice, your the only one so far to not neglect me just because I am 18. This is the sort of advice I am looking for.
    I have an asthma check up next week so during that I will also get a blood test done and see what I come back with.
    I am aware that orals are heavy on the hepatocytes and I have been supplementing all year round with milk thistle. Higher doses on cycle and a minimal dose off cycle as the increased amounts of protein I consume will stress the liver out to some extent due to the ornithine cycle.

    Also regarding the tren cough, if it is the protaglandins that cause the irritation in the bronchi then technically I should be ok I have a salbutamol inhaler which is actually a beta 2 angonist. The salbutamol would then work as a bronchodilater. What do you think?
    Some of the people that do get tren cough might not be asthmatic and wont even have the salbutamol available.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You should be injecting about 1.5 - 2g of protein per pound of lean body weight using a Knife, fork and spoon every day and about 1.5 gallons of water.

    Even though you have done cycles in the past does not mean it's a good/OK to continue. Get into the doctor/Endocrinologist like you said and get all the blood work and everything checked before considering doing anything else.
    Thanks for the advice man, makes a difference to the other replies I got. I already do 5 meals a day regularly and consume quality protein every day. I also stay well hydrated.

    I will get blood work done as I have an appointment with the docs in a few days. After that I can make a broader decision.
    Other than that, if my blood work came back fine. Would you suggest or advise anything towards the cycle I have written out?

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you will find few here who advise an 18 year old to cycle, good luck.

    Theres you answer...

    Learn to eat, 8 meals as apposed to 5 will help you achieve your goals...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  15. #15
    dude... you havent seen any effects because you never got a blood test... if you want to keep cycling then its probably because your gains arent coming fast enough.. .theyre probably not coming fast enough because your leydig cells are all screwed up because they were suppressed before they were even fully matured...

    everyone who commmented read everything that you said, but it doesnt matter if you are someone who doesnt know what a steroid is or if you are albert einstein.. you could have an IQ of 500 for hell's sake!! what the hell does that matter!!???!!!?? an 18 year old body is an 18year old body no matter what!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Saru_Ninja View Post
    Hey guys Saru here. I am looking for some good advice on my first injectable cycle. Will run you through the basics to begin with.
    Age: 18
    Height: 175cm = 5ft 7in
    Weight: 85kg
    BF%: 8%
    Cycle Exp: 4 cycles experience/oral tren cycle/2 M1T cycles/anavar cycle
    PCT Knowledge: Very well educated
    Training Exp: 4 years
    Diet: Strict

    I've been weight training since the age of 14. Yes I know that is too young to start but whats done has been done. I am aware that my growth has probably been stunted a while back. Yes I am 18, no typing error there. Was given some oral tren when I was 15 by some guys at the gym. At the time I had no knowledge about juicing at all. It was after that experience that pushed me onto educating myself. When I turned 16 I did a M1T pro hormone cycle and then another when I was 17. At 18 I did a 8 week var cycle dosed at 70mg for the first week and then 80mg for the rest.
    Please don't categorise my into the 'clueless teenager' category.
    I'll be starting uni soon doing biomedicine and then specialising in endocrinology. This is surely an indication of how dedicated I am.

    Ok now thats out of the way. Lets move on to the real stuff.
    I start uni in october so I am wanting to do the following cycle and finish pct for the holidays.

    Main goals
    Strength, lean muscle, ripped, power for mixed martial arts and looking in great shape.

    8 week cycle consisting of

    Test enanthate x2 EW
    Oxymetholone 50mg ED - 4 weeks only
    Proviron 50mg ED throughout the whole cycle
    HGH 2IUs ED

    HGH 2IUs ED

    HGH is possibly a maybe depending on what you guys think.

    Bridge and have time off over the holidays and start cycling again in February.
    Will be bridging with
    Anavar 20mg ED

    After this I plan to start a longer cycle consisting of
    6 weeks
    Testosterone Enanthate x 2 EW
    Oxymetholone 50mg ED - 4 weeks only
    Deca x 1 EW
    Proviron 50mg ED
    HGH 2 IUs

    14 weeks
    Testosterone Enanthate x 2 EW
    Trenbolone Enanthate x 1 EW
    Primobolan x 3 EW
    Masteron x 3 EW
    Proviron 50mg ED
    HGH 2ius ED


    Time off till next cycle

    Questions and advice
    -What do you guys think?
    -If I had to choose between primo and masteron which would be better?
    -Should I include Finesteride?
    -Is the 14 week cycle too long?
    -Should I take a pct in between and take a break for a month and start cycling again?
    -Any helpful suggestions?
    -Not messing with tren so will be shooting once a week only, would this be alright?
    -Should I use the deca or give it a miss during the bulk?
    - Will I be susceptible to tren cough if I am asthmatic
    and obviously you are very undecuated... you confused HGH AND HCG.... what is 14iu of hcg per week going to do? standard is 500iu per week... HGH is taken in does of 15iu per week............................................ lmao.?

  17. #17
    Excuse me but your the uneducated one here. Please learn to read. I wrote 'H' 'G' 'H' for a reason because I meant HGH. Why would I want to take 'H' 'C' 'G' During cycle? Its just a waste of HCG and I will be shut down anyways. As I wrote I will be using HCG for my PCT only.
    the 2IU will hopefully do what I want it to do at that dosage which is Fat loss and improved skin and well being and any other minor anabolic effects it decides to do. Other than that I will let the juice do the anabolism.
    So "lmao" to you fool. And thanks for the unnecessary input

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    You are 18, 187 lbs and 8% body fat and you want to risk your current and future health for what? You already dominate 99% of the males your age physique wise.

    I just can't see it unless you want to be a pro (something). Thats just me.
    I don't mean to beat a dead horse or add on to any perceived negativity, but I agree with this guy 100%. You're in unbelivable shape - i'm willing to bet your diet and routine had alot more to do with your results than AAS, not to mention superior genetics.

    I honestly wouldn't risk it. An 18 year old body isn't completely developed and you risk stunted growth - although you think you have already done this? You don't seem to concerned, which is disturbing.

    My advice is you eat more, lift more, sleep more and you will grow more. I would have killed to be in your shape at 18, and i'd kill to be in your shape today. You do not need AAS IMO. If you choose to continue, good luck and I would be interested in following your progress.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Saru_Ninja View Post
    You say steroids will cause some serious damage. But you failed to mention what damage exactly. If steroids are so damaging surely you would tell me the dangerous things it can do.

    I understand the effects associated with cycling, and like I said I have cycled and done my PCT properly. I have had no severe problems at all.

    So if your going to make a point at least expand on it please. Stating that something will damage you means nothing.
    hey saru-

    it's easy to take things personally, when i think everyone here is out to help. there are so many people who come to these boards and ask uninformed questions, that the community loses its patience and sometimes the advice comes across as flaming.

    generally speaking (and vets out there please correct me if i am wrong) i think the reasoning goes like this.

    you are 18yo at a time in your physical development when your body is still in the natural process of maturation.

    you are at the cusp between childhood and adulthood. unless you have already done damage to your HTPA your natural hormone levels should be at their natural peak. there is plenty that you can still do to achieve your NATURAL genetic peak (which is probably at least 4 years off... most people don't really stop developing until age 22-23 at the earliest, sometimes as late as 26-28). by running these hormones you risk affecting your HTPA negatively and possibly shutting down or retarding your ability to produce hormones naturally at a time when they are crucial to your development.

    remember, it might not always be possible to get your hands on aas. either because of financial reasons, strict law enforcement, or any other myriad factors that can affect black/gray market items. if you do some damage to your ability to produce natural test and can't get yourself on a replacement program you will have effectively chemically castrated yourself. this risk is somewhat diminished as you get older because the body begins a natural decline of testosterone production, year after year, around the age of 30.

    the only reason i can think of in which it would be "reasonable" (and this is MY OPINION ONLY) for a person of your age to be considering steroids, is if you are competing for a multi-million dollar spot on a sports team, or some other similar situation. in that case you are likely competing against other individuals who are doping and you will probably need the edge.

    anyway, i could go on, but i think you get the point of my thread.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Yo! Saru! I like your devotion man! You have made tremendous progress age wise. Way to go mate! Good luck with your new cycle.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2010
    WOW nice stats for an 18 year old. keep it up man. you obv know what your doing diet wise etc. can you please post a log when u start this cycle would be lovely to follow

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