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Hey guys Saru here. I am looking for some good advice on my first injectable cycle. Will run you through the basics to begin with.
Age: 18
Height: 175cm = 5ft 7in
Weight: 85kg
BF%: 8%
Cycle Exp: 4 cycles experience/oral tren cycle/2 M1T cycles/anavar cycle
PCT Knowledge: Very well educated
Training Exp: 4 years
Diet: Strict
I've been weight training since the age of 14. Yes I know that is too young to start but whats done has been done. I am aware that my growth has probably been stunted a while back. Yes I am 18, no typing error there. Was given some oral tren when I was 15 by some guys at the gym. At the time I had no knowledge about juicing at all. It was after that experience that pushed me onto educating myself. When I turned 16 I did a M1T pro hormone cycle and then another when I was 17. At 18 I did a 8 week var cycle dosed at 70mg for the first week and then 80mg for the rest.
Please don't categorise my into the 'clueless teenager' category.
I'll be starting uni soon doing biomedicine and then specialising in endocrinology. This is surely an indication of how dedicated I am.
Ok now thats out of the way. Lets move on to the real stuff.
I start uni in october so I am wanting to do the following cycle and finish pct for the holidays.
Main goals
Strength, lean muscle, ripped, power for mixed martial arts and looking in great shape.
8 week cycle consisting of
Test enanthate x2 EW
Oxymetholone 50mg ED - 4 weeks only
Proviron 50mg ED throughout the whole cycle
HGH is possibly a maybe depending on what you guys think.
Bridge and have time off over the holidays and start cycling again in February.
Will be bridging with
Anavar 20mg ED
After this I plan to start a longer cycle consisting of
6 weeks
Testosterone Enanthate x 2 EW
Oxymetholone 50mg ED - 4 weeks only
Deca x 1 EW
Proviron 50mg ED
14 weeks
Testosterone Enanthate x 2 EW
Trenbolone Enanthate x 1 EW
Primobolan x 3 EW
Masteron x 3 EW
Proviron 50mg ED
HGH 2ius ED
Time off till next cycle
Questions and advice
-What do you guys think?
-If I had to choose between primo and masteron which would be better?
-Should I include Finesteride?
-Is the 14 week cycle too long?
-Should I take a pct in between and take a break for a month and start cycling again?
-Any helpful suggestions?
-Not messing with tren so will be shooting once a week only, would this be alright?
-Should I use the deca or give it a miss during the bulk?
- Will I be susceptible to tren cough if I am asthmatic