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Thread: Deca,Winny,Clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Question Deca,Winny,Clen

    I need some advice and Suggestions,

    My cycle looks like this:
    Week1 - 200 mg. Deca 50 mg Winny EOD
    Week2 - 300 mg. Deca 50 mg Winny EOD
    Week3 - 400 mg Deca 50 Winny EOD
    Week4 - 400 mg Deca
    Week5 - 400 mg Deca Clenbuterol
    Week6 - 400 mg Deca 50 mg Winny EOD Clenbuterol
    Week7 - 300 mg Deca 50 mg Winny EOD Off clen
    Week8 - 200 mg Deca 50 mg Winny EOD Off Clen
    Week9 - Clenbuterol
    Week10- Clenbuterol

    I'm starting the Third week now. The reason for the Winny structure is because I only have 20 mls of 50mg/ ml Winny Depot, Should I split it like I noted above or run it for the first 6 weeks, or possibly get another bottle and run entire 8 weeks. Also I'm wanting to add something to this stack starting the 4th-8th week, maybe Sus. or EQ, or Tren, I just don't know which would be more suitable for this. I'm wanting to gain LBM while losing fat, so more along the lines of a cutting cycle, this is my first cycle, I also have Nolv, and Clomid for the end of the cycle.
    I'm 6'3" 240 about 14-15 % BF 6 yrs on and off experience, Solid past 3 years training , also I do 45-60 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week in morning and have a very clean diet no drinking.

  2. #2
    1. Keep deca dose constant
    2. Don't run your winny like that run it at all at once towards the end of your cycle
    3. Your winny dose is too low IMO get some more if you can
    4. Adding sust or eq for only 4 weeks is a waste

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