Hey guys.. I made a post about a week ago, but I've made some adjustments to my cycle and just wanted to make sure it'll work out fine. My goal is to lean bulk on this cycle, my BF is down to about 10%.
100mg Test Prop EOD 1-8 ---> 150mg Test Prop EOD 8-14
75mg Tren Ace EOD 1-8
450mg EQ EW 1-14
50mg ED Winny 8-14
I know Winny is mostly used as a cutting drug, but I like the hardening effect it provides and I don't see why it'd be detrimental since I'm dropping the tren at week 8 and I'm gonna do my best to keep BF at the 10-12% area. I'm also going to be taking 0.5 Adex EOD throughout the entire duration of the cycle.