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Thread: Does this cycle make sense? Lean Bulking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Does this cycle make sense? Lean Bulking

    Hey guys.. I made a post about a week ago, but I've made some adjustments to my cycle and just wanted to make sure it'll work out fine. My goal is to lean bulk on this cycle, my BF is down to about 10%.

    100mg Test Prop EOD 1-8 ---> 150mg Test Prop EOD 8-14
    75mg Tren Ace EOD 1-8
    450mg EQ EW 1-14
    50mg ED Winny 8-14

    I know Winny is mostly used as a cutting drug, but I like the hardening effect it provides and I don't see why it'd be detrimental since I'm dropping the tren at week 8 and I'm gonna do my best to keep BF at the 10-12% area. I'm also going to be taking 0.5 Adex EOD throughout the entire duration of the cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    why the eq? most guys say run it higher also to get benefits.

    any reason why you are bumping up the prop to 150?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    how old are u whats ur body weight and how many cycles have u done in the past?
    id drop the eq. raising ur test to a 150mg eod is fine being done at week 8 is good cos ull hit a wall than ull have to decrease it for 1 week than raise it again or just raise it all the way to the end so that sounds ok imo.
    14 weeks is ok. how does ur pct look like?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    "cutting" AAS just means that it doesn't retain as much water in the body. There is no AAS that will cut you up without a good diet. I've seen too many posts where the experts are saying not to try and cut and bulk at the same time. Bulk up with a good diet then cut with a lean diet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gym_junki View Post
    how old are u whats ur body weight and how many cycles have u done in the past?
    id drop the eq. raising ur test to a 150mg eod is fine being done at week 8 is good cos ull hit a wall than ull have to decrease it for 1 week than raise it again or just raise it all the way to the end so that sounds ok imo.
    14 weeks is ok. how does ur pct look like?
    This would b cycle number 3. First time using Tren, thats why I'm keeping it at 75mg. I'm prlly gonna start with 50mg for the first 2 weeks just to see if I can tolerate more. I personally really like EQ

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    how old r U? What r ur status? Post a diet that u will use on the cycle and let other members coment on it. I agree with the coment above its all about ur diet.

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