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Thread: New cycle advice

  1. #1

    New cycle advice

    hi new to this forum and im looking for sum advice about what cycle i shud start.
    im 24 years old and have been training and playing amature rugby for 4 years. im 5 8" tall and weigh 77kg, been training for 4 years. naturally ive a slim build and have a musculer ripped physique.
    i recently bought 30mil of sustanon 250 and 20mil of Test enanthate plus i have tamoxafen for pct.

    im looking to bulk up in the pre season and woz looking for some advice on how or what cycle i shud do with the steroids i have, diet isnt a problem as i stick to a good diet as part of my training for past two years so any advice or help wud b much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Why would you buy the steroids and then ask how to use them???

    Is this your first cycle???
    Whats 77kg? Is it about 150lbs???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    yea its about 150 pounds, soz dude im miss understood i kno how to use them woz really just looking for some advice on the best cycle to undertake with the steroids and pct i have

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    You seriously need to spend time in the diet forum.

    If your not eating correctly then doing a cycle at this time would be a complete waste of money time and effort...

    Your gains would be short lived and then you will need more compounds to compensate...

    Head to the diet forum and post your full diet including macros, this is where we need to begin...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    thanks for the advice will do promto

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    R.I.P T
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    You seriously need to spend time in the diet forum.

    If your not eating correctly then doing a cycle at this time would be a complete waste of money time and effort...

    Your gains would be short lived and then you will need more compounds to compensate...

    Head to the diet forum and post your full diet including macros, this is where we need to begin...
    hit the nail on the head

  7. #7
    Meal 1:
    scrammbled eggs (6whites 2yokes) with 2 white bread toast
    1x cyclone shake about 1 hour later

    Meal 2:
    8 oz chicken
    1 cup brown rice or 3 sweet potatoe
    1/2 Rice pudding

    Meal 3 (preworkout):
    1 PHD V-Max Pump shake
    2 Bannanas

    Meal 4 (postworkout):
    30g Optimum 100% whey protein

    Meal 5:
    8 oz extra lean beef/8 oz lean steak/Salmon or Turkey
    Large baked potato/ 3 sweet potato or 1 cup brown rice
    vegetables (broccoli, green beans, salad, etc)

    Meal 6:
    1x Cyclone shake(before bed)
    2x Poached egg on toast


    as stated 2x cyclones per day
    30g optimum 100% whey protein
    BCCA Maximuscle capules(3 before and 3 after workout)

    Also tend to eat alot of fruit, tins of tuna/salmon/sardines throughout the day

    is this the right diet for me or do i need to add more carbs etc to go with a recommended cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Bro you need to go and post this in the diet forum, but at a quick glance its not good, more fats/protien/carbs....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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