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  1. #1
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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    Test E cycle, need some advice

    So I've been lurking here for quite a while and now I'm getting closer to doing my first cycle. I still have some things to learn before i actually start one. Mostly in the area of diet. I have access to pretty much whatever i will need. I was excited to try a Prop/Tren ace/Mast cycle but after rereading some newbie links I figured Test E would be the best choice for my first cycle.
    Cycle #1 at this link
    Cycles for the Newbie

    But after some more reading i got a little confused, especially when i read think link.
    Frontloading motives and benefits explained.

    At the frontloading link people are recommending that you begin with short ester Test, but at the beginner cycle link they are recommending CYP/or Enanthate ... Not sure now which one to follow.

    Also is it possible to do Test only cycle and combat the water retention or (bloat) with cardio?

    30 year old Male
    Very active BJJ Wrestling Boxing running and just getting back to weightlifting
    15% bodyfat
    5'10" 210lbs
    never taken any steroids

    Heading to diet boards thanks

  2. #2
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    shadey33's Avatar
    shadey33 is offline Associate Member
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    Test e 500 mgs/week split take 250mgs every 3.5 days no need to front load 1st cycle
    As for bloat get arimidex check it out on the ar-r top right corner of this page ,cardio will just burn to many calories

  4. #4
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the response shady. Anyone else have any thing to add? So I shouldn't do cardio at all?

  5. #5
    GS4's Avatar
    GS4 is offline Junior Member
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    RI/SE mass
    Just have a clean bulk diet, always good to do cardio atleast twice a week 25min, treadmill/stairmaster.

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    cardio wont help with bloating from estrogen will on cycle.
    Cardio is still good to do.

    prop isnt recommended for first cycle because of the amount of injections needed. Also tends to be more painful

  7. #7
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    I'm on my first cycle . And cardio twice a week makes a huge diff IMO. It does help me keep water retention down and helps shed fat.

  8. #8
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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    How significant is the bloating to water retention, I've seen people u actually seemed to lean up on test.

  9. #9
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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    Are the EOD or ED Prop shots really that bad?

  10. #10
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    rauntu - having to inject EOD can get pretty old pretty quick.
    And if you mean really that bad re pain, do it slowly and if the muscle isnt a virgin you shouldnt get much pain (though each person is diff).

  11. #11
    cypionate19 is offline Junior Member
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    well to combat the water retention take an AI because cardio will really hurt your gains.. and instead of frontloading propionate (which i read an article that actually dissproved this theory) just add dianabol ... that's what dianabol is used for in the beginning of cycles, it even says it in the first link you posted... run either d/bol or anadrol if you want a frontloader..

  12. #12
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Stay away from sodium.

  13. #13
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cypionate19 View Post
    well to combat the water retention take an AI because cardio will really hurt your gains.. and instead of frontloading propionate (which i read an article that actually dissproved this theory) just add dianabol... that's what dianabol is used for in the beginning of cycles, it even says it in the first link you posted... run either d/bol or anadrol if you want a frontloader..
    I know that a normal D/bol frontload is four weeks, would it be the same for the anadrol ?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyYeahHim View Post
    rauntu - having to inject EOD can get pretty old pretty quick.
    And if you mean really that bad re pain, do it slowly and if the muscle isnt a virgin you shouldnt get much pain (though each person is diff).
    I see your point, I will stay away form the prop for now.

    Is it just me or is the information in the diet section overwhelming? Don't get me wrong there is great info i just have a ton to learn.

  14. #14
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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    Instead of starting a new thread I figured I'd throw this question in here since it's kind of the same topic. Wouldn't you be pinning yourself every 3 days with sust250 as opposed to 3-4 days on Test E? Which would you say gives better results?

  15. #15
    rauntu is offline Junior Member
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