My cycle was as follows,

Weeks 1-6
Test E 500mg/week
Weeks 7-11
Test E 750mg/week
Weeks 12-15
Test E 800mg/week
Weeks 16
Test E 500mg/week

Weeks 1-6
Deca 250mg/week
Weeks 7-10
Deca 300mg/week
Weeks 11-14
Deca 400mg/week

Bodyweight: 72kg -> 86kg
Bodyfat: 8-9% -> 10-11%

Squat: 100kg -> 140kg 3x8 (3 sets of 8 reps)
Bench: 70kg -> 105kg 3x8
Press: 50kg -> 72.5kg 3x8
Deadlift 110kg -> 170kg 3x8

I'm pretty stoked with these results. As always, bench is still a lagging body part, both strength wise and aesthetically speaking.

One thing I didn't do is take measurements. I will do this for my next cycle.

So I had my last injection 5 days ago and am starting PCT in 9 more days.

After PCT, I'll let you know how my strength and body weight is.

Just wanted to share my cycle experience, and also see if my gains are reflective of most people's.
