Me and my mate are doing a eq test and dbol cycle, 500mg of eq, 600 mg of test 300 a week and 40mg of tbol every day for 12 - 14 weeks tbol only for 4 then anavar for the last 4 weeks of cycle. I have seen good gains in weight and strength and it seems to be lean gains not bloaty gains like when i did a test and dbol cycle. I was weighing 88kg 3 weeks ago and now im weighing 95kg. bench has shot up and so has overall strength
I have two questions . 1 how long does it take for the equipoise to kick in because I know it is a slow acting steroid and I was just wondering if anyone knew how many weeks it would take for me to start seeing results from it.
2 my friend says that when he does an injection that once he pulls the needle out and if a bit of the liquid comes out he just licks it up or drinks it, does this work and if so because if it doesnt surely its just a waste of gear.