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  1. #1
    J44 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    2nd cycle-Test E and Winny-Need help

    Am going to start my 2nd cycle in a few days.

    My first consisted of Test E at 500 mgs a week/10 weeks (no pct) but no problems what so ever. I know I was stupid but this time im going to do it properly with pct.

    What im thinking is

    Test E 600mg a week, 300mg twice a week 1-12
    Winny 50mg ED 10-14
    Nolva 14-18 20/20/10/10/10
    (might run arimidex )


    Test E 500mg a week, 250mg twice a week 1-10
    winny 50mg ED 4-10
    Nolva 14-18 20/20/10/10/10
    (might run arimidex)

    Im leaning towards the first cycle because I havent done Winny befor and want to see how my body reacts.

    Also how are you guys running milk thistle, 1000 ED through whole cycle??

    My stats are
    21 YO
    around 13%BF
    training for 3 years (1 1/2 very solid lifting)
    Diet is in check

    Thanks for the help guys

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You think you had no problems with no PCT the first cycle, but blood work would probably prove otherwise. I know more then one 20+ year old who is on TRT due to improper cycling. That's also why it's not advised for someone at your age.

    You PCT is weak on this cycle. Research in the PCT forum. Get it right. You don't want to be permanently shut down do you?

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