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Thread: D-Bol low dose 8 week first cycle

  1. #1

    D-Bol low dose 8 week first cycle

    I've searched other websites and forums and read some opinions but was wondering if I could get some thoughts from suers on this site.


    BF % not 100% sure but I'd say 15-17% (yeah a bit high)

    Now I've also read on many forums many people have done low dose d-bol cycles and I was thinking of doing a 8 week 10/60 cycle, 10mgED for 60 days and for PCT, run nolvadex 20mg ED week 6-9.

    I figure with a high bf % a low dose would be the way to go and I've heard with 10mg in the morning your natural test won't be shut down either since your body will produce it in evening and night time.

    Reason I am wanting to try a d-bol only cycle is because 10mg/day is very light and I want to see how I react to steroids and with a short life it can be out of my system quicker then injectables.

    What do you guys think and yes I am thinking of lowering my bf before starting, creating a better diet as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    dont do it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    first off, DO SOME MORE RESEARCH! 20 is pretty young to by cycling but if you really want to you could throw in some test after 2 of the 4 weeks of dbol. look around there's plenty of valuable information on this board

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scarface22 View Post
    I've searched other websites and forums and read some opinions but was wondering if I could get some thoughts from suers on this site.


    BF % not 100% sure but I'd say 15-17% (yeah a bit high)

    Now I've also read on many forums many people have done low dose d-bol cycles and I was thinking of doing a 8 week 10/60 cycle, 10mgED for 60 days and for PCT, run nolvadex 20mg ED week 6-9.

    I figure with a high bf % a low dose would be the way to go and I've heard with 10mg in the morning your natural test won't be shut down either since your body will produce it in evening and night time.

    Reason I am wanting to try a d-bol only cycle is because 10mg/day is very light and I want to see how I react to steroids and with a short life it can be out of my system quicker then injectables.

    What do you guys think and yes I am thinking of lowering my bf before starting, creating a better diet as well.
    perhaps if you ask the same question in enough threads, eventually someone will tell you what you want to hear

  5. #5
    I made this post for two reasons actually

    1) I've been away for a while and couldn't find the old post when I came back
    2) I changed the dosage and length of the cycle and wanted some opinions on it

    I understand everyone is telling me to eat right and train harder thats reasonable but I was just wondering for the future if I decided to do this cycle what I could expect besides from the old myths about d-bol being shit..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    There are no old myths about dbol being shit, just shit taken on its own...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You should nt take any kind of steroids at your age, you can cause yourself serious damage what could be with you for the rest of your life. Food is all you need to build tissue at your age use what you have naturally and dont shut your system down before its fully developed, you could end up with low test for life which would have a negative impact on your life and muscle tissue.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by shuarma View Post
    first off, DO SOME MORE RESEARCH! 20 is pretty young to by cycling but if you really want to you could throw in some test after 2 of the 4 weeks of dbol. look around there's plenty of valuable information on this board
    i think you yourself need to do more reasurch....why would you add test 2 weeks after starting the d-bol....if your going to stack test w/d-bol then most would start taking it at the same time exspecially if its a long ester curious of the "logic" here.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    my first experience with gear was low dose of dbol. was on 20mg and wasnt seeing much effect after 3 weeks. a little weight gain but nothing to shout about.

    the next 3 weeks after i doubled the dose to 40 and saw good gains. worked best when i took one pill around lunch time, and one an hour before work out in the evening.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality
    Run a cycle of food

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    dbol alone will make you feel like shit. it's very toxic and without the test, you will feel like poop. i made the same mistake you are about to do. 10-20mg/day by itself will do nothign but put on some water weight (maybe) and upset your stomach. like the rest of the members say - do a cycle of FOOD!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Let me put this simple so you can understand it.

    You want to get bigger.
    Your REAL problem your diet
    Your solution some d-bol to give you a boost

    You want you car to go fast
    Your REAL problem it has a flat tire and a bad transmission.
    Your solution you put on an cold air intake and octane booster in the gas tank

    See how the second one sounds dumb. Well thats how the first one sounds to us.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    go grow in the kitchen mate.
    your too young
    your too uneducated
    you must hate your liver
    hit up the search button there are a million threads just like yours and a million answers from all the same Mods Vets etc they talk sense please listen.
    AAS are not the solution to your i wanna be big problem

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