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Thread: Anavar best kept to 6 weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Killing Zombies

    Smile Anavar best kept to 6 weeks

    Just a heads up for those planing on using anavar...keep it to 6 weeks.

    A recent study (although using subjects aged 72average) concluded, through supplimentation of anavar @ 20mg/day, split into two 10mg doses, that 12 weeks shows hardly any benefit over 6weeks.

    At 6 weeks, changes in lean body mass and strength were considerable and far over placebo, but at 12 weeks, there was hardly any change from week 6. The extra 6 weeks did little other than increase side effects, especially cholesterol and prostate risk.

    So, yes the men were OLD and the dose was LOW, but it seems safe to say that the moral can be applied to the younger, high dose body builder.

    Keep it to six weeks.

    Nothing to new here, just further proof to keep it short and sweet.
    Perhaps we should reconsider anavar as a cruising drug? At least for periods longer than 6 weeks.
    Far beyond my noobness, just wanted to share the study.
    Last edited by fattywarbucks; 05-28-2010 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    intersting. I wonder if there diet changed to compensate for the increase in LBM? I doubt it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Interesting study, but can you really compare this to an advanced athlete running 4 times the dose, training hard, and eating to gain mass?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    intersting. I wonder if there diet changed to compensate for the increase in LBM? I doubt it.
    Nope, didn't even exercise. Just strength test before and after

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Interesting study, but can you really compare this to an advanced athlete running 4 times the dose, training hard, and eating to gain mass?
    Yes and no. While its safe to assume that the advanced athlete on a high dose would not only experience better gains over a possibly longer period, you must remember that drug trials exist in a world of generalizations and assumptions made from these generalizations. Sure the results would be greater on the well trained, but they to would taper off around 6 weeks due to human physiology.

    Most drug trials initially test on OTHER SPECIECS, inorder to guesstimate the effect on humans. Its pretty safe to assume that a test on HUMANS, regardless of age and training, will still be largely accurate. Of course the trained athlete at a higher dose would get far more results than an ederly couch potato, but will the 12 weeks be much better than the substantial gains at week 6...probably NOT

    By the way, congrats on the title change

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanks fattywarbucks

  7. #7
    Any other studies that support this? Your knowledge far surpasses mine I'm sure. However I was about to run a 10 week var at 50 mg or 12 week at 40 mg and find it hard to believe that gains will slow at the 6 week mark when people insist the true gains don't start until the 3rd/4th week. Most var cycles I've read about are atleast 8 weeks. Once again, I'm not saying your wrong, I just don't understand and I would like to.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Forever Dedicated View Post
    Any other studies that support this? Your knowledge far surpasses mine I'm sure. However I was about to run a 10 week var at 50 mg or 12 week at 40 mg and find it hard to believe that gains will slow at the 6 week mark when people insist the true gains don't start until the 3rd/4th week. Most var cycles I've read about are atleast 8 weeks. Once again, I'm not saying your wrong, I just don't understand and I would like to.
    Ive done ANAVAR many ways in many cycles and found the longer duration runs to work far better. I like 10-12 weeks,,,and 8 weeks MINIMUM.

  9. #9
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    Here's a study done by the university of so. Cali in 2004.
    20 mg/day for 12 wks
    they favor 6 weeks cycles, bc they found the benifits of twelve weeks to be little more than 6 weeks.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by fattywarbucks View Post

    Here's a study done by the university of so. Cali in 2004.
    20 mg/day for 12 wks
    they favor 6 weeks cycles, bc they found the benifits of twelve weeks to be little more than 6 weeks.
    Yes but it was still more benificial.

    So if you have the money 12 week cycle > 6 week cycle?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forever Dedicated View Post
    Yes but it was still more benificial.

    So if you have the money 12 week cycle > 6 week cycle?
    Yes the gains continue, but at a far decreased rate. So more sides for less gain. At least that's what these studies have found. I am in no way an expert, so assuming that you are of proper age and stats, the choice is really yours. Try it, and pay very close attention to your gains (pics,weight,measurements,caliper,strength,bloodwo rk,etc) and if you see them slow as the weeks pass 6, then stop.

    Again, you said it yourself, var is expensive, and can tax your liver/cholesterol/hpta/prostate/bloodpressure...why waste it for diminishing gains?

    What ever you decide, best of luck

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Ive done ANAVAR many ways in many cycles and found the longer duration runs to work far better. I like 10-12 weeks,,,and 8 weeks MINIMUM.
    If it worked it wasn't your stuff.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I thought the main reason an Anavar cycle was kept between 6 wks to 8 wks was because it was hard on the liver.

  14. #14
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    Uh oh! I see where this is headed. Name yourself anabolpharmacy, cut and paste some profile info, hope people assume by your name and cut and paste skills, that you are in fact a ugl pharmacy.

    Please do not end up locking what is meant as a heapful and informative thread.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattywarbucks View Post
    Just a heads up for those planing on using anavar...keep it to 6 weeks.

    A recent study (although using subjects aged 72average) concluded, through supplimentation of anavar @ 20mg/day, split into two 10mg doses, that 12 weeks shows hardly any benefit over 6weeks.

    At 6 weeks, changes in lean body mass and strength were considerable and far over placebo, but at 12 weeks, there was hardly any change from week 6. The extra 6 weeks did little other than increase side effects, especially cholesterol and prostate risk.

    So, yes the men were OLD and the dose was LOW, but it seems safe to say that the moral can be applied to the younger, high dose body builder.

    Keep it to six weeks.

    Nothing to new here, just further proof to keep it short and sweet.
    Perhaps we should reconsider anavar as a cruising drug? At least for periods longer than 6 weeks.
    Far beyond my noobness, just wanted to share the study.
    I can confirm these observations. Anavar stopped working after 5 weeks in me, and I saw no further benefits after I prolonged the cycle up to 8 weeks. Basically I only f*cked up my testosterone and cholesterol. Curiously, I experienced a slight strength increase during the end of the 8 week, after I lowered the dosage to mere 10-20 mg/day. I suppose the androgen receptors were already too overloaded after 5 weeks, and the decrease of circulating androgens again stimulated protein synthesis.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I recently finished an 8 weeker of var and tbol and I agree to an extent.

    Maybe it has something to do with my work schedule but by the 7th week I felt like I was at my peak even after changing up my diet just a bit.

    If I were to run var again, I would stop at 6 weeks........jmo....

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    Anavar..6 weeks end of story.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thats is the key number to recovery too.....Under 6 week cycles.

    6 weeks with a good PCT is easy as....

    Short cycles at very heavy doses,with good PCT is bliss,well the smart guys.

  19. #19
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    BUMP, summer is soon

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    this is not a source board! I think you know that.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 06-05-2010 at 04:36 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by oldgrappler View Post
    if it worked it wasn't your stuff.

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