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  1. #1
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    first cycle in need of advice

    i bought 1000 mg of tren Edited used 50 mg to 100 mg every other day for 2 weeks..i bought a another 1000 mg bottle..the label was the same as the first but the bottle was longer and skinnier idk if this means its not legit...if it doesnt mean anything i was wondering how long before results

  2. #2
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    No time frame.. youre already on it. No need to wait for it to kick in (if tren does need time to kick in.. never used it). So if its not real you'll notice loss of results VERY QUICKLY.

    Do you have a PCT on hand? if not.. get one, ASAP. This way if the gear is fake, you can jump straight onto a PCT. And you will need PCT at end of cycle, so youre not wasting money here.
    Also this site has a section on spotting fake gear. If its from the same source and in a non-refillable container chances are its real.
    Is this guy making his own gear, aka home brew?

  3. #3
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    i feel like im getting a good pump but idk if its in my head im hearing it could take a 2-4weeks to kick in..

    im thinking if this stuff starts to kick in i want to do a 2-3 month cycle though for a pct thinking of getting on nolvadex possibly im not sure..

    as of the home not sure it says a lab name expiration date and other information the guy i pay picks it up from someone else

    thanks for feed back

  4. #4
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
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    Get your Nolva and some clomid on hand. PCT forums will advise you the best way to do them (i have the products on hand and gereral knowledge but plan to consult them during the last 2 wks of my cycle so I can be organized.. right now just concentrating on eating and working out!)

    Honestly Im as confused as you are here. Any VETS or more experienced users have an answer this this?????????????????
    Just dont understand how the labels are same but vials/containers are different. Unless the dudes brewing his own, id imagine the containers would be the same (at least for a few months) but then you throw labels into the mix, WITH lab names.

    Honestly not sure... CAN ANYONE ELSE HELP THIS GUY?

  5. #5
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    also im 5'9 160 lbs been working out on and off for about 3 bench is around 280 right now nd wondering if i should stack with anything or just get off tren Edited and do something else..thanks

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    so you're on a tren -only cycle???

  7. #7
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    ya for now and its tren then in blue letters say Edited...and if you have any advice for what to stack with thatd be awesome
    Last edited by Big; 05-28-2010 at 10:08 PM. Reason: rules

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    stop and run a full pct

  9. #9
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    whys that?

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    tren should not be used on a first (or second) cycle
    tren should NEVER be used without test
    at 5'9" and 160lbs you shouldn't even be on a cycle
    in short, you jumped in to arguably the harshest steroid out there with no idea what you are doing.

  11. #11
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    im curious why not to get on a cylce weighin 160 at 5'9?
    ive been on for 2 weeks for 1000 mg..just bought second bottle if i stacked with a test u think id be good to go?

  12. #12
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xbaseballx05 View Post
    im curious why not to get on a cylce weighin 160 at 5'9?
    Youre too small. You dont have a foundation to build on. You dont have diet in check. 3-4 yrs on and off shows you dont have dedication. You were probably 150 or thereabouts when you started?

    Gear wont make you big, without proper diet.

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
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    most of us here recommend steroids to help people get past a plateau when, after years of proper diet and training, their gains level off. you are a little smaller than my 13 year old son.
    1000mg/week? that's somewhere between crazy and stupid. sorry, I'm just being honest with you.

  14. #14
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
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    Unless vets (like big, who is here and helping you.. suck that knowledge up!) advise you to do otherwise Im thinking you may be best of stopping your course and starting a PCT.

    How old are you anyways?

    Not sure of your age, but that will change my answer here. But as a general Id have to follow those before me and recommend that you work out seriously for at least 1-2 years with a proper diet, if not longer (cause if youre seeing gains... Why fix whats not broken?)

  15. #15
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    i had baseball going for me everytime i moved up in weight i had shoulder problems..but baseballs over im trying to get over my plateuos at about 280 benchright now wieght i want to be about 195 lbs im eating about 3,500 calories with ps

  16. #16
    Big's Avatar
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    on around the 4th cycle, I recommend starting dosages of tren at around 350mg/week, and never ever alone. honestly, these questions should have been asked before you started injecting compounds you don't know how to use into your body.

  17. #17
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    sorry if youve answered this in some way.. but to help you me (or others logging on) a better format would be nice.

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  18. #18
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    i geuss i did jump into it to fast just when i found out i could get ahold of it i did...if i were not to use the other nottel of tren with a test nd get into a different steroid more for begginers what would that be?

    thanks for feedback much appreciated

  19. #19
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    1) anyone who weights 160lbs and mentions that they bench 285 with shoulder pain, DESPERATELY NEEDS TO CHANGE THEIR WORKOUT. You don't need aas; you need a workout that doesn't sacrifies the rest of your body and joint for a nice set of tits. ...which leads to

    2)tren can cause severe suppression...IMPOTENCE...NO BONERS, and perky, lactating, female shaped tits if not run properly and safely. You are on the fast track to limp dick and milk tits.

    Please take this seriously. Run a pct NOW. Then RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!


  20. #20
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
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    Answer stat questions!

  21. #21
    fattywarbucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xbaseballx05 View Post
    i geuss i did jump into it to fast just when i found out i could get ahold of it i did...if i were not to use the other nottel of tren with a test nd get into a different steroid more for begginers what would that be?

    thanks for feedback much appreciated
    The best steroid for beginners is RESEARCH.

    Begin with diet and workout, then triple read all of the educational threads, then get your stats right, then and only then consider putting anything other than food or otc supps into your body.

  22. #22
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    Height:5'8 5'9
    BF: no idea i have six pack and pretty vascular
    Training Experiencen off over 3 years
    Cycle Experience:2 weeks

    shoulder pain was from baseball not hurting anymore though..

    im completly new to steroids as you can see..dont have prob geting on pct now..rather not but if it can have as severe side affects as u say id have to..but im wondering where to do my research or if u knew what cycle to run and what to stack with in order to stay safe,get big,and stay away from limp dick and lactating tits..

    thanks again for feedback

  23. #23
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    im reading up on some forums and hearing tren for first cycle is alright..just stack with winny and providon at 50 mg every day with it..if i got on this would it be safe to continue my cycle??

  24. #24
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xbaseballx05 View Post
    im reading up on some forums and hearing tren for first cycle is alright..just stack with winny and providon at 50 mg every day with it..if i got on this would it be safe to continue my cycle??

    Please show me where you've read that??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  25. #25
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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  26. #26
    AAACEEE's Avatar
    AAACEEE is offline New Member
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    tren as a first cycle hmm

  27. #27
    xbaseballx05 is offline New Member
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    i havent seen why not to just everyone says dont.nd tren and test is the only thing i can get ahold of i was wondering if i could get advice on what to stack with if i could stay safe that way even thoguh its my first cycle
    Last edited by xbaseballx05; 05-29-2010 at 06:39 AM.

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