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  1. #1
    IMunchRoidz's Avatar
    IMunchRoidz is offline Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Few Questions...

    1) Test E is recommended mostly to beginners.. is this mainly because you have to inject twice a week? If I don't mind injections, should I go for test prop first cycle because that's more effective?

    2) I read somewhere that test prop has fewer side-effects than test-e and cyp.... but it also said test prop leads to a higher aromatization of estrogen. Is this true?

    3) I also read Test-Cyp.. for every 100mgs of testosterone cypionate you inject, only 69.90mgs of it is actually testosterone , the rest is the cypionate ester. Why do people still use it? Is it only cos of cost and the fact u only need to inject once a week?

    thats all for now

    thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    1) yeah most peeps recommend long esters just for fewer pokes, I don't mind injecting so my 1st injectable cycle was prop shot ed

    2) I see no difference in sides

    3) the longer the ester, the more space it takes up, but it's also often cheaper so most peeps just adjust accordingly.

  3. #3
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    If you like pinning go with prop!

  4. #4
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    May 2010
    Pinning is fun and I enjoyed EOD for the first 3 weeks. But now every 3.5 days is suiting me better. (using sust..) Just got over having to do it every 2nd day.

  5. #5
    gym_junki's Avatar
    gym_junki is offline Member
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    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    if u don't mind the pinning go wif prop, its also good because its life in ur body is 3days for if u experience bad side effects u can stop and the test will take 3days to be out of ur system compared to 14days of test e. I did test e and prop I personal favour the prop.

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