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Thread: When to start clen/t3/keto

  1. #1

    When to start clen/t3/keto

    So my clen/t3/keto from ar-r is coming in a day or 2. and June 18-22
    I am going on a hiking trip.
    First day we are walking like 8 miles or so. Steep incline i guess.

    Anyways my question is should i just wait? or would that be a good way to do cardio?

    I dont know what kinda food we are making or how much and i really wont have any access to weight.

  2. #2
    we will also be carrying packs.. I guess that's some weight. Maybe 50 to 100lbs? Don't really know

  3. #3
    We will be on dehydrated food and about 40 lbs packs.

  4. #4
    Any ideas?

  5. #5
    I wouldn't take it for the first time within a few days of that trip. You dont know how your body will react cramps, headaches etc. As long as you have a good amount of water to drink on the hike and have Taurine and Headache pills on hand I dont see why you couldn't be taking it. Just start taking it a week or 2 before so you know how much your body can comfortably take.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    On this site...
    First few days are the hardest IMO

  7. #7
    Well I am still waiting from ar-r. It was shipped on may 26.

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