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  1. #1
    NOVA718's Avatar
    NOVA718 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009

    Can I recover lost gains?

    Guys I need your advice,

    First here are my stats:
    Age: 28
    Ht: 5'11
    Wt: Current 181lbs before cycle 161lbs.
    BF% 8-10% (estimate)
    Diet: 3000-3500 cals
    Cycle 10weeks 500mg Test E..Split 250mg Mon/Thur
    PCT: Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Training: Mon-Fri on Sat/Sun Off

    I'm am currently on week 4 of my cycle of Test E, before my cycle began I was at 162lbs but lean. Throughout the years I often fluctuated with my weight due to not being consistent with my diet I then decided to hammer down on my diet, because honestly that was always an area where my discipline faltered and my goal of course was to add more lean muscle mass. I then put on 10lbs of lean muscle getting up to 172lbs naturally. Soon after I started my first cycle of Test E, I started to see results fairly quickly getting me up to my current weight of 181lbs but I was skeptical if this was my own natural diet and training adding of the weight or if it was the gear. I wasn't sure due to the fact that Test E from my understanding doesn't kick in until weeks 5-7 but I was seeing some water retention during the cycle I knew this was expected just not during the first 2 weeks. I then unfortunately came down with a slight flu and began to become really ill, my training decreased from 5x a week to 3x a week then down to 2x. Each time my intensity level decreased as well from high to medium to low workouts, my diet also suffered greatly going from eating 6-7 times a day to 3-4 but still all quality lean foods. My question guys is (Sorry for this long ass novel I'm writing but I just wanted to be detailed especially if I'm asking for advice) how badly have I hurt my gains with those two weeks of diet and training being effected? Also can I recover the possible gains I could have lost if I have indeed lost any when I begin weeks 5-10? Overall guys are my gains so far on the right track? I can say so far I feel and look great I am truly pleased with my results thus far I just want to maximize and retain as much of my gains as I can by cycling the right way. Thanks allot guys for the help and advice and once again sorry for the long

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    To answer your question bro, yes, you can get your gains back, you just need to get back into your routine. We all fall out of our rhythm every now and again for various reasons, and its always tough to get back in the swing of things, especially if you've taken a couple steps back after so much hard work. You're 28 and entering your prime years.. your body obviously responds nicely to consistency (I can see by your mass gains). Don't expect to find motivation getting back into it, just do what you know you need to do and the motivation will come with consistency. Let's face it, it sucks getting back in the swing of things after being sick and being out of sync for two weeks. Focus on your caloric intake, rest and find your intensity.. its there..

    Good luck brutha,


  3. #3
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    i smell a rat

  4. #4
    Triple Stack's Avatar
    Triple Stack is offline Associate Member
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    I got that bad stomach virus at the end of my Deca /Test cycle last Feb. Lost 15 lbs in a few days, was out of the gym almost 2 weeks. I got it all back. It'll come back & fairly took me about 3-4 weeks to get back to baseline.

  5. #5
    NOVA718's Avatar
    NOVA718 is offline New Member
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    Thanks fellas for the feedback, man sometimes I justget paranoid as hell, I am really hard on myself especially when it comes to critique so Im looking at every little thing as a possible mishap if I miss a day at the gym how much will that hurt me? Did I lose some mass? You know crap like that I am going to probably post some pics today on where I am at so far. But Igifuno and Triple you guys are right on the money man, its a bitch getting back in rhythm but its coming back slowly. Focus I appreciate the feedback as well though Im not too sure what you mean by you smell a "rat" hopefully you mean "gym rat" I'm from Brooklyn NY we really dont like that word too much out

    Thanks again fellas.

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