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Thread: For those who try to hide it....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    For those who try to hide it....

    What do all of you do that need to hide your stuff do? Any tips and tricks from your experiences? Do you hide it from your wife, parents, friends? How do you ship it? Where do you hide it? What in?
    Just curious what you all do

    Let's hear some of your tricks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Honestly I don't hide from anybody...

  3. #3
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    Apr 2010
    Girlfriend, training partners and certain friends are supportive of it. The rest probably guess I'm on it just by looking at me. If strangers asks, I always reply no.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2008
    I keep it on the kitchen table and counter. LOL

    I keep it put away for sanitary reason and because I dont want anyone taking my stash... I have 3 safes. 2 are only 2x2ft and one is 3x5ft I keep all my important document and photo albums in them as well as all my prescription meds.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I keep it on the kitchen table and counter. LOL

    I keep it put away for sanitary reason and because I dont want anyone taking my stash... I have 3 safes. 2 are only 2x2ft and one is 3x5ft I keep all my important document and photo albums in them as well as all my prescription meds.
    any sex videos? lololol!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    any sex videos? lololol!
    Dude, you are 100% correct there. I would hate to loose that in a fire. LOL Also my removable back up drive 1.5T of both my laptops including all my personal porn and girls from my trips. More to be added next week.
    Im going to need a bigger safe soon.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-31-2010 at 01:01 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Dude, you are 100% correct there. I would hate to loose that in a fire. LOL Also my removable back up drive 1.5T of both my laptops including all my personal porn and girls from my trips. More to be added next week.
    lololol! ok... good luck....

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    I am in a job where noone can know! And my roommate is a coworker. I keep my gear in a locked box under my bed. I inject after showering so my roommate doesn't get suspicous as to why I'm in my room with the door closed. He won't bust in and catch me cuz he thinks I'm getting dressed.

    When people ask me if I'm on I tell them that when they are at home on the couch I am in the gym. And when they are at earls eating chicken wings I am at home boiling chicken breast. That usually shuts them up.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    I am in a job where noone can know! And my roommate is a coworker. I keep my gear in a locked box under my bed. I inject after showering so my roommate doesn't get suspicous as to why I'm in my room with the door closed. He won't bust in and catch me cuz he thinks I'm getting dressed.

    When people ask me if I'm on I tell them that when they are at home on the couch I am in the gym. And when they are at earls eating chicken wings I am at home boiling chicken breast. That usually shuts them up.
    That's my basic response. Most people who really know me never ask because they know how much time I spend at the gym. People who dont know me well I say the same as you or ask, when was the last time you where at they gym 5x a week for 2+ years. If I was on gear I would be HUGE since most people think that if you take gear even one you blow up to look like Arnold. LOL

  10. #10
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    Hiding it from your parents? Could be a good idea to move out of home :P~

    Its just not something I really talk about. People have seen me grow over the years and constantly eat and go to the gym. Then Id hit a plateau, complain, mix up my routine at gym and then continue to grow. This time is no different in peoples minds.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Squating at the Curl Rack
    I've always been accused of steroid use. Even when i was natural. I got to 110kg naturally and was getting "he is on gear" comments left right and center.

    I hide mine in my tuxedo breast pocket in my closet.

  12. #12
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    yur mom's house
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    I've always been accused of steroid use. Even when i was natural. I got to 110kg naturally and was getting "he is on gear" comments left right and center.
    I feel your pain. That's one of the things that pushed me to finally do it. All my hard natty work and everyone thought I was "cheating" anyway

  13. #13
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    Dec 2009
    when at home it's in a bag with a combo

    could easily be opened by anyone if they wanted to

    it's more of a "line" that if you cross it and open it you went out of your way to find out

    more than, I fell over a vial in the kitchen

    why is there priority mail with research chems written all over it in the mail every day of the week?

    i duno!?

  14. #14
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    i just put the cials, pads, needles in a shipping box under my bed. And if anybody asks i just reply nope.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    I hide mine in my tuxedo breast pocket in my closet.

  16. #16
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    I don't keep it from my wife. I personally don't believe you can have a healthy relationship keeping secrets like this from the spouse, but that's just MO. However,I do keep all of my stuff stashed away so kids, and friends don't see.

    I like the idea of a lock box/safe. The stuff's illegal where Im from, better to play it safe.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    I hide mine in my tuxedo breast pocket in my closet.
    Awesome! I hide my self filmed sex tapes there!

  18. #18
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    I use to just keep it in the drawer. Back in my early 20's my mom was putting away some laundry (I know, why did I move out) and she found a bunch of amps and syringes. She had a fit, and I was like '...its not heroin..' and I explained it, and from then on, no problems.

    Now my wife understands so I just keep it in the medicine cabinet. No issues.

    I think its best to be honest about it, its not like using crack. It should be something we can have an open, honest, propaganda free discussion about. I'm not embarrassed, and I'm bigger then most people so they'll have to deal with it or take a hike.

  19. #19
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    rhode island USA
    i wish i didnt have to hide it but my new girl doesnt want me doing it so i just put pills in vitamin bottles and do my injects when she is not home. I hate having to hide stuff its annoying i would rather not have to deal with it. She thinks that drugs are drugs and sees no difference between anabolics and heroin
    Last edited by anabolic1979; 05-31-2010 at 11:12 AM.

  20. #20
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    Feb 2009
    i wonder where could i hide stuff like hcg,hgh e.t.c that needs fridge....?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by m3ssias View Post
    i wonder where could i hide stuff like hcg,hgh e.t.c that needs fridge....?
    yea im doing that now i have hcg hidden in a drawer in the fridge under fruit and veggies

  22. #22
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    I keep mine in my restroom in one of the cabnites, my wife don't care, and supports me as long as i'm not an ass with here.

    1) why hide something like that from your wife/girlfriend, if they can't support what you do then why be with them, your going to do gear no matter what, so it's a "take it or leave it," kind of deal.

    2) When i'm at the gym people alwasy ask me what do I take, but they say it in that way wanting to know if it's sterods or what, I usually reply with, "lot's of protien" they they say how does lot's of protien make you tath big, I say while your asking me these stupid question and woundering what I take, I'm trying to get you out of my face to get those weights in front of me and start my routine.

    3) My family don't know anything about steroids; however, my mom is cool as hell, she knows I pin myself. she don't' care as longs as i do it safe she says.

    4) and for everyone else, F U C Kem is what I say. another mans body size is not anyther mans business.
    Last edited by breakbones; 05-31-2010 at 11:43 AM.

  23. #23
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    Staring into glory!!
    I dont tell my gf, I just let her think im genetically gifted. Same with the cialis, I let her think she is the reason for my frequent hard on's. (which she really is, so fvkn hot and has the best personality) I only tell a few friends.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakbones View Post
    I keep mine in my restroom in one of the cabnites, my wife don't care, and supports me as long as i'm not an ass with here.

    1) why hide something like that from your wife/girlfriend, if they can't support what you do then why be with them, your going to do gear no matter what, so it's a "take it or leave it," kind of deal.

    2) When i'm at the gym people alwasy ask me what do I take, but they say it in that way wanting to know if it's sterods or what, I usually reply with, "lot's of protien" they they say how does lot's of protien make you tath big, I say while your asking me these stupid question and woundering what I take, I'm trying to get you out of my face to get those weights in front of me and start my routine.

    3) My family don't know anything about steroids; however, my mom is cool as hell, she knows I pin myself. she don't' care as longs as i do it safe she says.

    4) and for everyone else, F U C Kem is what I say. another mans body size is not anyther mans business.
    My family knows what I do. My closeest friend also uses aas. I find it more comfortable to have folks I can actually talk to about my aas usage. I keep my stuff in an unlocked box at the top of a closet. I agree an open discussion is better than hiding it. Also you never know whaen you want to talk about the aas with someone you trust and not a message board full of folks.

  25. #25
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    Anytown USA
    I tell my family everything! Sometimes I bring the vial upstairs and fill my syringes at the table while talking to my parents! I even told them about the Oral tren iam taking and how dangerous it is! My Fiancee injects it for me and anyone else, the can go F*** themselves! This is my life and it is no one elses business what I do with my life Would not even care ifmy employer knew! Tey would have to spend a fortune to actually prove it unless they knew exactly what to test me for and they are not going to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to check! My work honestly does not care anyway! You take them to grow so why once you grow would you want to lie and deny it! If someone asks me I tell them! The other day I came out of the bathroom and another employee / friend said " hey there is still a needle hanging out of your ass" I told him.. " I inject so much sometimes I forget to take it out"

  26. #26
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    I keep mine out of my house..... and the wife doesn't know.

    I've heard of some pretty impressive hiding spots.... one of them being in a ziplock baggy underneath the protein in the jug LOL


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    Bottom of my clothes hamper in my bathroom. I do my own laundry - no way in hell my fiance is goin near my sweaty, stinky shirts after my workouts!! I pin in the bathroom as well. She has her own bathroom, so it works out just fine. She found out about my HGH a while back, because she found slin pins and then went searchin. So now i cant keep anything in the refer, thus no more GH, which is a bummer cause I can get it dirt cheap!! She's a nurse, and freaks out about me putting something in me that I "just dont know for sure what it is".... so I just keep it to my self now. I fluctuate in weight all the time, so its pretty easy to hide my use from her and friends - I just let everone know when I am "hittin the gym hard now" or "tryin to cut some weight". People will assume anyways, but I just dont give a rats ass anymore.

  28. #28
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    I dont

    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    Honestly I don't hide from anybody...
    Same as no point. friends just look at me and can tell anyway so U may as well tell them!

  29. #29
    when I was living with my mom, I had them in a black plastic bag hidden under a dresser. There was just barely enough room to fit the bag underneath

  30. #30
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    I will hide my stuff in a lock bag(money deposit type) in a pocket of my laptop backpack. Keep it locked just in case. Store it near all my computer parts, electronics and accessories. One place she never goes but just in case it will be locked inside.

    How do all of you dispose of your needles and hazardous waste like that?

  31. #31
    It's best to keep it locked up in a strong box. No prying eyes or hands that way. As far as the inquisite jealous types go, I second what a few other posts said- I'm in the gym and eating good while your fat ass is watching lost reruns. Right also on the non-insiders knowing that gear doesn't make you Arnold after one pin

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by setian View Post
    How do all of you dispose of your needles and hazardous waste like that?
    I take a plastic bag and put the used syringe w. needle with the alcohol swab and wrapper and dump it down the garbage compactor shute (i live in a building) right away

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I told my girlfriend i have diabetes and if i don't take it i will die!

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